Chapther 4 🤍🖤

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Derek pov
I got up from bed and mattia wasn't next to me I got scared and worried i got changed and went downstairs to see a group of guys talking to mattia and they were all hurt I heard there conversation and they were talking about hurting someone I got scared and I went upstairs on my way to mattias room I knocked down something I didn't know what to do so I just ran inside his room and try to go back to sleep
End of pov

Mattia pov
I was talking to the boys about us having to go and hurt hector and his friends for hurting one of us when I heard something fall I knew it was Derek because nothing could've fall out of nowhere the boys looked at me and I told then I was going to go upstairs and and check what it was
End of pov

As mattia was walking upstairs he heard a lot of noises coming out of his room so he opened it luckily it was just Derek

Derek was running around his room trying to hide because he was scared he was goona get hurt as mattia walked to him he got startled

Mattia was about to ask what was wrong but Derek grabbed his things and left without and explain to mattia

Mattia went back downstairs and luckily the boys weren't in the living room or in the kitchen they would've seen Derek come out of my room

I was already tried so I made food for me and the boys and we all got cleaned up and went to sleep

Next morning

Mattia and the boys were getting ready to go to school once they got there they all got there things and walked in since they were already late

Mattia and the boys all separated to class mattia was walking to his English class

Once he enter the class he was already getting yelled at by being late at that point he didn't care if Derek even talked to him he just went on with his lesson

Derek pov
As mattia walked into class he didn't even care or bothered to look at me or say anything he just went on to his seat while getting yelled at by the teacher, I didn't fell very comfortable talking to him after what I heard yesterday but I was kinda upset he didn't say anything to me
End of pov

Forward to the end of class and to lunch

It was lunch time for both Mattia and Derek they still had the nerve to not talk to each other mattia saw his friend group and went right away and sit with them

On the other hand Derek was still looking for a place to sit he couldn't find one so he just left the cafeteria

After lunch

Dereks pov
I was walking to class but I trip and I pushed someone and they got mad and me and yell at me and said "watch it bitch"  I didn't even have to look up to see that it was mattia I got up and left I was on the verge to cry since I never heard mattia be so mean or yell at me before beside the first time we meet did I mess up or not I don't know
End of pov

Mattias pov
As I was walking with my friend group I got pushed and I got mad and told the kid "watch it bitch" I saw who it was and it was Derek I didn't fell any sadness or guilt that I said that to him I just walked away and I assume he grabbed his stuff and ran because I heard him start to cry but I didn't really care about that kid anymore
End of pov

Flash forward to the end of school

Back to mattia he and his group were on there way home planning on how to get revenge on the hector guy for hurting Alvaro

To be continued.........

Sorry that I haven't posted but I'm goona try to post tomorrow 😘

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