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[the story of the crooked man]

[the story of the crooked man]

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So.. You wanna know how I became what I am? Well, I'll warn you right now: it is saddening and disturbing, so strap yourself in for a ride. I used to love my father, Kevin Grimm, more than anything else in the world; trying to make him proud in any way I knew hoe, but it was never enough. He even TOLD me it wasn't enough. So, when he invited me to go camping... I was ecstatic! I would finally get some one-on-one time with him. A chance to prove myself to him and feel validated. When we got there, I immediately pitched the tent, having studied the method the night before.. And he finally smiled at me. He said he was proud and gave me a pat on the back, even hugged me.

So, the day went on and me and old dad kept talking and such until the sunset, when he told me to watch it with him, which I happily obliged to! I mean, why wouldn't I wanna spend time with my pops?...and that's when it happened. He came up behind me with a black cord and began to choke me until I was unconscious.

I don't know what happened after that, but when I came to, I was in a wooden coffin that was buried 6 feet underground. I could then feel the soft vibrations of my dad's big truck leaving the area. I kicked and I screamed until my voice gave out, using most of my oxygen. I was in there for 3 hours before I began to suffocate, eventually dying cold and alone in my coffin. 

I was then what is called a lost soul for a year or two, wandering the woods pathetically and sobbing to myself the more I thought of what had happened.. until SHE found me. Lilith, goddess of demons and souls. She took pity on me, said things were going to be okay. She took me back to her large castle and granted me many powers, even teaching me how to use them. However, she never told me about my Crooked Form, a horrific monster form that comes out every so often and tries to hurt everyone around me. So, that fucking sucks.

As for my biological mother? Well, my father went back to civilization and told everyone that I attacked him and ran off.. And they all believed him because he was a trusted cop. And what reason would he have to kill me, right?

A few hundred years of her training later and I am the "monster" you see now. 

𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓 𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐋 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now