Summer time at the dursleys

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It was just like any other day at the Dursley's for me. Except this year it was different. It was sad and lonely, and it didn't help that at the end of the year, Cedric Diggory, died. I was heart broken that his father would have to live with the guilt and regret. I knew what it was like to lose someone as well.
I had been back for about two weeks, and all i wanted was to go back to Hogwarts and never return to the Dursley's. My uncle hated me. I was constantly being beaten for things that were so simple. My aunt and cousin aren't bad. They were actually nice to me and showed me that they cared, unlike my cruel uncle. I already had some cuts from him.

I had woken up from another nightmare at about five A.M. and never went back to sleep. I was constantly having nightmares about Cedric and my time in the graveyard. I saw him standing in front of me looking around trying to figure out where we were, but when I tried to stop him, knowing what was going to happen, I was to late. "Kill the spare."  I heard. I saw hit get hit with a green jet of light, and he fell, dead. I didn't want to expect it. I didn't want to except that he was gone, and that wormtail had killed him.

I also couldn't shake the fact that it was my fault that he died. If only I could have gotten to him quicker, he could have lived. He could have been with his dad, and Cho. He might of helped fight in the war, and helped save someone. He could have done so many things, but his life ended before it had even started.

I knew that the blood that is running through Voldemort's veins is the sam blood running through mine. It was my fault that he's back, and nothing is ever going to change that.
After about an hour of laying there, I got up to take a shower. I went to the bathroom, took a shower, got dressed, and headed back down stairs to make breakfast for them. It was almost seven, so I had about an hour to myself. While I was laying on my bed, i thought about how I was so easily fooled by Barty Crouch Jr. I was so stupid to believe a word he said. I hated thinking about all that he has done for me, and to others as well.

After a while I look at the clock and see that it's almost eight. I sigh and get up, heading down stairs. I started making pancakes and eggs for then to eat. It was almost ready when uncle Vernon came out from his room. "Boy, you better stop making so much noise! You woke me up!" He snarled.
I was scared for what he was going to do to me. He walked over quickly, and smacked me in the face.
It stung and I knew that it was going to make a bruise. I lifted my hand up to my face, and could already feel it swelling up. I reminded myself that I would need to put some ice on it after he leaves. "Now, I want you to shut up, and go back to work! Do you understand me?" He shouted. "Yes uncle Vernon." I replied weakly. "You should have more respect to me than that!"

He raised his hands up, and slapped me once more, but with more force. It hurt so badly that I whimpered in pain, but regretted it instantly. "Don't cower down like that! It makes you look weak! Take your bearings like a man!" He yelled.
Instead of slapping me, he punched me right in the jaw. I could feel the blood on my face and forced my self to stay calm. Then he pushed me to the ground, and kicked me right in the ribs. I'm pretty sure that I could feel some of the ribs cracking. Everything hurt, and once he was done, he gave me one final push to the ground, and walked off.

I got back up and continued to cook. Once it was done, I served to them, because aunt petunia and Dudley had finally walked in, and started to clean up the kitchen. All the sudden, a pain shot through my stomach. I ignored it, thinking that it was my cracked ribs. But after a while, the pain got so unbearable, that I ran up stairs. I fell to my knees, feeling so much pain.

Everything was becoming blurry, and I couldn't see. The pain in my stomach was worse, and I finally gave onto the calling of darkness, and everyone went black.

Hey guys! If your reading this, thank you so much! It means the world to me that people might actually read my story! I'm not going to tell you a lot about me, but I'm a girl and on the young side, like young teens. Please comment and tell me how I can fix anything or how I can do something to make anything better! I am open to criticism, but just not to the point where it's mean. I'm still a teen, so please don't go killin my dreams of writing by putting up mean things. I don't own Harry Potter (sadly) but all rights go to the amazing JK Rowling!!!  Thank you so much for reading this! It's my first book on Wattpad!!

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