Chapter 1

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Heyo. Uhm... So I said I wouldn't write anymore buuut hey again! I'm sorry I love this ship to much to not write. I'm sorry they are so fucking gay for each other!!

Stone pov

He really is gone? Huh... I chuckle to myself. Everyone says to forget him. He doesn't exist anymore.. They say that so easily.

I drag my feet as I walk towards my front door. I walk inside and close the door behind me. I quickly walk to my room and collapse into my bed. I dose off remembering my time with him. Before I fall asleep my mind goes to what happened before he left.


"I won't miss you when your gone!" Robotnik yells in my face. I keep a strait face but inside my heart breaks slightly. I mentally sigh.


Tears threatens to fall. He said he wouldn't miss me. But I miss him.. I wish you were still here, Doctor..

I change out of my suit and into something comfy. I lay down on my bed and I finally fall asleep.

It's short because I don't know what to add and I kinda wanna get this out. Sooo... I should really get to bed since I have school.

He Really is Gone? {stobotnik} [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now