Chapter 2

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I spring up and fall off my bed. I hold my head.
"What the hell?" I groan. "Oh..right..I had a nightmare.."
I stand up and head to my closet (oh hey! I live there!!).
"Mew!" I look down and see one of my cats, Robot. "meoow!"
"Your so demanding!" I chuckle, "You'll get your food in a bit."
Robot trots off and I slid on my normal attire. When the doctor left, I got two cats.
I walk to the kitchen I put out food for the fur balls.
"Robot, Nik! Food!" I yell.
"Mew~!!" Nik runs and digs his face in the food.
Robot trots in like the queen she is. She runs her face along my legs and meows in thanks.
"I gotta go. See you to later," I say patting the two on their heads. I walk outside and get in my car.

~at the lab~

I walk into the lab holding to lattes. I walk to the doctor's office.
"Sir! I got your-" I stop in my tracks. "Oh... Right.." I drop my head.
"Stone," I hear a commanding voice behind me. I stand up strait and turn around to see a tall figure in front of me.
"Y-yes sir?"
"I have noticed the lack in your performance in the past few weeks. I saw you must take a break and calm your head. You got that?" I nod. "Good. Now go home."
"Yes sir."
I quietly walk to my car. When I get in I bang my head on the wheel multiple times.


When I get home I change into a long sleeved sweater and sweatpants. I lay on my bed and Robot jumps up and lays on my chest. I laugh at her antics. Nik mews and I see him on my night stand.
"Nik. Get of my night stand." I groan. I sit up slowly and Robot jumps off of me. I walk to the kitchen and fill their bowls. I walk to the fridge and look inside.
Eh.. Im not that hungry.. I walk back to my room and lay down letting my thoughts take over me.
A few hours later I wake to Robot laying on me. Nik is sleeping right next to me. I fall asleep soon after.

~Sorry it's hella short. I'm at a writer's block right now. Y'all can give me ideas~

He Really is Gone? {stobotnik} [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now