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"Are you scared?"
"Go ahead."
"Do it!"
Fuck it.
I tilt my head back and let the warm liquid slide down my throat. I could feel my stomach burning. It felt like I swallowed a flame. My body shimmied and shivered in response. I squeezed my eyes shut as I took the huge gulp.

"I'm never taking shot recommendations from you guys again." I try to wash back the shot with water but the burn would not go away. Try to think of the drink as a fireball shot but it was made by witches so it's tens times stronger.

We technically weren't supposed to be outside of Uridetta but it's my last free days before I turn 23 next week. We aren't really supposed to leave unless we are given the okay to leave. Like if we go shopping or if we are being escorted for learning purposes. Night time is a big no no because it could be dangerous but it's a full moon and we're at our most powerful in a full moon. Fully charged witches.

Right now, my friends and I are partying it up in the mortal city. Some young witches like ourselves love to come here to drink, mainly to flirt with mortal boys and to get drinks. We don't do this often, only when we know that mom is away. It's not often that's she on leave but when she is we party!

I'm usually the one that doesn't get caught up with males because they kind of frighten me. The girls are really good at it though. They have no problem walking up to men and taking charge even if it's not a full moon. We really aren't supposed to flirt or get caught up with males because we have to stay pure until we turn 23. We aren't even really supped to drink either because it causes 'temptation' words from mom. Its this thing that I don't want to think about right now.

Anyways she's not actually my mom but the mother witch. The oldest, the most powerful, the leader of the coven. Everyone calls her mom because she taught us everything we know, she wrote the eye of the witch. It's our spell book that we go by.

But Jay is the best and she makes us specialty drinks because mortal drinks don't really get us drunk. If mom found out, she'd kill us. Jay is a lost witch. Not really lost, more like runaway witch. Any runaway is said to be shunned from all witches.

I never understood why she left Uridetta. It's almost paradise. It's located right outside of Suffolk, Virginia, tucked away where no mortal or supernatural creature can find us.

We originally came from Salem Virginia but you know how that story goes. My people fled Salem and found a quiet place near the Great Dismal swamp. We cloak ourselves now to protect what's left of us. We're a relatively large coven but we used to be larger. That was before my time though. There's about 309 of us that live in Uridetta. Some witches like Jay are lost, left to join the mortal world. They can't speak of us or let anyone know of us, or something bad will happen. I don't really know, it's never happened.

Only female witches are left. It's not talked about much but there was a war between male and female witches. Ofcourse the women won or else I wouldn't be here right now.

I slammed another shot before standing up and dancing. The girls ended up finishing there drinks and joined me on the dance floor. When I'm drunk I never know what I'm going to do next. My brain just thinks it and my body moves. Next thing I know I'm being hoisted up on a mechanical bull by this really hot guy in a cowboy hat. I leaned over and took his hat off of his head and whispered "let me find out you like thick girls, I can change your life." I slid the hat on my head while biting my lip, trying to be sexy. I giggled to myself as I saw his face go red and his little smirk appear on his gorgeous face.

I didn't realize how long I had been staring at him before being rigorously flung around by the giant mechanical bull. I hung on for dear life, as hard as a small, drunk, chubby girl could. I finally went down hitting the mat. I couldn't stop giggling, mainly from the butterflies I felt and also the hot cowboy was back in my face helping me up. He took his hat from the mat and walked me to the edge of the mat where I jumped down to see my friends waiting for me. I could feel his eyes burning into my back but I didn't turn around. I like a chase. If he wanted my number then he needed to come get me.

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