The Delinquent's Leader

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*beep* *beep* beep*, my eyes slowly opens to the sound of my alarm chirping. Smacking my hand down to silence it, I look around my room tiredly. 'It's so quiet' I think to myself, my parents are still on the business trip, 'I wish they were back right know' I really miss them.

I get up from my bed and start getting ready for school, putting on my student council uniform. Locking the door, I start walking to school. I start to feel water droplets on my face, I look up to see the grey cloudy sky, I rummage through my bag for my umbrella.

"Shit, I think I forgot it" I sigh in annoyance, "Well, I'm already halfway there so I mind as well just go without" I start walking again, rain drenching my clothes.

I walk past some students, hearing giggles behind me 'jeez am I really that funny with wet clothes?' , I continue to walk until I feel fabric being draped over me. "You know you really shouldn't walk in this weather with no protection, you'll get sick" I look next to me to see Osoro, I stare for a bit "What's with that look on your face?" She says with a confused smile.

"Oh, uh thank you" I say in return with a smile. We get in the school and I give back her jacket "Thank you! I really appreciate it" I say.

Osoro's POV

"I-I, Don't mention it" she's so darn cute, watching her walk away, I hide my blush. "Hey Osoro! Did ya see the chick or somethin', you're all red" they all laughed, "Eh, shut up" I say looking away, they all start laughing louder. Walking to class, I can't help but feel like I'm being watched, I'm probably just paranoid like always.

Akane's POV

I'm sitting in the council room, pretending I need to do something important and need time to do it during class, thankfully the teacher accepted. I mean, this is important, this is between the love of my life and my rivals.

Osoro's going to be a hard target, but I'll find a way. Y/N will be mine, I will do anything no matter what it takes. I'm gonna try find her schedule, it could help open some pathways to kill her or at least get rid of her.

I could try get rid of the delinquents! I could pretend that they have harmed me and get them expelled! I have figured out my plan, and it would be easy.

Although, I still need to find out what order I would have to first, Osoro has a lot coming... "AKANE!" I jump hearing a familiar voice, I look over to see Y/N.

She looked relieved, "I was worried you were missing" she said in a exhausted tone, "Oh dear, you don't have to look after me, hehe.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" She look at me with a smile "I asked the teacher allowed me to work in the student council room for 'extra work', I really just came out to try find you, since I didn't see you in class" she looked a little timid,.

"Well, I was doing work in here too! You can join me, just the both of us~" I say wanting a reaction from her and I loved it, she stuttered as she talked and blushed. She's adorable, if only she knew what I did, would she still treat me the same?


I couldn't help but blush when she said 'Just the both of us' stuttering to get my words out I slowly make my way to the table, sitting down and preparing my things.

I zoned out and was looking at a random spot of the room and started playing with my pen, just thinking random thoughts. 'Did I bring my lunch today? I remember having lunch with Osana, oh I miss her so much, those days were the best-' "Y/N!" I jump to my name and accidentally drop my pen, "Are you ok? You zoned out and looked sad" she says concerned,

" Don't worry, I was just thinking about random things" I say dismissively, she reached her hand over the table and held my hands in hers "Well, if you are ever troubled tell me, I'll be able to resolve it" she says, I smile and she goes back to her work.

I was about to until "shit I dropped my pen" I say quietly although she still heard "Oh my goodness! Y/N, you know no such words are allowed in this school, you naughty girl!" She says almost seductively.

She walked over to me and held my chin to look her in the eye. I then heard her kick something further away, she walks back and I look down to see that she has kick my pen underneath her chair.

I gulped then crawled under the table, when I got to Akane, she has already spread her legs which made me turn red, I just tried to ignore it and try to get my pen.

She then blocked me with her leg, she looks down at me and it was intimidating "Beg Y/N", "W-what" I said heating up at what she said "You know what I said" she says sternly, "c-can I have my pen" "Where are you manners dear?" I coughed nervously, "C-Can I please h-have my pen A-Akane" she smirked "That's better" she then moved her leg and I quickly got my pen trying not to be more awkward than it already is.

"I will not tolerate swearing Y/N, there will be punishments every time you do~" she looks at me with half lidded eyes. She was really intimidating, I just quickly went back to work as she stared with a smile.

Akane's POV

I open the door to my house after taking Y/N home safely, I then remember I have to feed Asu.

Walking down the basement stairs, I look to see Asu's emotionless face. I put down the plate and leave, I laugh "Oh what Kizana has planned for her tomorrow, she'll never see it coming" I whisper to myself. You'll be mine no matter what Y/N.

Sweet but Dangerous~ Yandere Akane Toriyasu x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now