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Ten years later...


"Mum, Grayson keeps taking my stuff!" Halsten shouted as I heard his footsteps come down the stairs before meeting me in the kitchen with the most annoyed expression on his face.

"He just wants to play with you Hal" I replied, raising my eyebrows at him before getting six plates out of the cupboard for dinner.

"He can play with Finley" Halsten scoffed, rolling his eyes as he held onto the counter.

"Enough with the attitude Halsten, you dad and I have already told you about this" I said sternly, Halsten being on the verge of hitting his hormonal teenage years.

"I know and I'm sorry but I just miss having my own room" Halsten sighed before coming around the counter to me.

"I know you do, but in a few months we'll be in our new house and you'll all have your own rooms" I smiled down at him as wrapped my arms around him in a hug.

"Can I have the biggest room?" Halsten asked as he looked up at me.

"Ofcourse, but don't tell the others" I whispered making Halsten laugh before releasing from the hug.

"Your dad will be back soon with dinner. Can you please go get the others?" I asked before Halsten nodded in response and left to go get them.

Carrying the plates over to the table I then began laying them out infront of everyone's spot before then going to fill up a jug of water.

As I did so I then heard the eruption of footsteps rushing down the stairs, this happening anytime the slightest bit of food was involved.

"Where's daddy?" Finley asked as I placed the jug of water and glasses on the table.

Before I could answer I heard a vechile pull up onto the gravel outside as lights glared through the window.

"I think that's him now" I lightly laughed as the three boys began taking a seat at the table.

"Where's your sister?" I asked, noticing that she hadn't followed in behind them.

I then heard the small patter of footsteps before looking behind me to see our little Lively toddling in.

"Clean!" She exclaimed, the cutest smile spread across her lips as she walked in waving her hands in the air.

"Very good baby" I grinned as I crouched down to match her height.

Tottering over to me she immediately opened her arms to give me a hug. Smiling helplessly I wrapped my arms warmly around her before picking her up.

Taking her over to the table I the  placed her down on her chair, where she always say for dinner in between Shawn and Grayson.

Hearing the front door open Shawm eventually came into the kitchen carrying a four boxes of pizza.

"Daddy's got food!" Shawn explained before landing the boxes on the table.

Shawn then immediately latched his onto me before coming over to me and planting a kiss on my lips.

"Daddy!" Lively then began squealing causing Shawn to laugh as he took his lips off mine.

"Okay, here's one for you too" Shawn chuckled before leaning down and giving Lively a kiss.

"Halsten, I saw Kyle and Levi at the takeaway. I told them we'd meet them tomorrow to play some basketball at the park" Shawn asked, Levi being Kyle and Emily's son, as he gently moved his fingers through the ends of Lively's small brown curls.

"Yeah sure, Levi and I were practising today at school" Halsten replied as Shawn and I then both took our seats.

"Yeah we saw you, you aren't any good" Grayson smirked causing Shawn to give him a stern look.

"Knock it off Gray, he's doing just fine" Shawn warned before opening rh5e pizza box.

"Yeah he was doing just fine until that Jessica girl started watching" Finley piped up, making Shawn and I both raise our eyebrows at Halsten.

"There's a girl?" Shawn teased as the boys began grabbing themselves some slices of pizza.

"No, she's just a friend" Halsten rolled his eyes, his cheeks turning red.

"Don't be embarrassed hunny, it's sweet" I smiled as Shawn gave a piece of pizza to Lively.

"Yeah, you should ask her on a date sometime buddy" Shawn added as he began munching of a slice of pizza.

"Stop it dad" Halsten groaned, making Shawn laugh as he put his hand on Halsten's head and lightly shook his hair.

"What about you two? How was school?" Shawn then asked, falling his attention onto the twins.

"Boring" Grayson sighed, that always being his answer about school.

"What about you Fin? I know I'll get a better answer than boring out of you?" Shawn joked.

"It was okay" Finley shrugged making Shawn lightly chuckle.

"Great conversation guys" Shawn laughed before now looking down at Lively who had tomato sauce all around her face.

"What about you little miss messy?" Shawn laughed before grabbing a napkin off the table.

"Good!" Lively gave Shawn a toothy grin as he began wiping the mess off from around her face.

"That's more like it" Shawn smiled.

"What about you Elle? How was lunch with the girls?" Shawn then asked, turning his attention onto me.

"Yeah it was good, Heidi actually told me some great news" I eagerly smiled.

"What?" Shawn grinned.

"She's pregnant" I squealed in excitement, making Shawn's face light up.

"That's so great! She's had to wait for so long" Shawn sighed in so much relief, Heidi and her husband Tyler having struggled to get pregnant.

"There's babies everywhere" I laughed, making Shawn also chuckle as his eyes beamed over at me before he began raising his eyebrows.

"No!" I exclaimed, lightly laughing as I understood what he meant.

"No, what?" Grayson asked, as flicked his head between Shawn and I.

"Your dad's just being silly" I smiled at him before looking over at Shawn to see a sly smirk across his lips.

As that's how the rest of the night went on. We ate, we watched a film and then we went to bed to do it all over again the next day.

Over the past ten years Shawn and I had grown our family and now our family was complete. We met when we were just 18-years-old, had our first child at 21 and were blessed with three more beautiful children.

Our journey together has been like a rollercoaster where we have shared both our worst and best moments together. When I look back at our story together I wouldn't change a thing. Everything that has happened to us has led right up to this perfect moment right here, having a family together.

Shawn and I have been inlove since we were just 18 and for that I will forever blessed. I love him more than life itself and it's all because of him that I finally have the most beautiful family and perfect happy ending.

So here is the epilogue for you all just to see where Elle and Shawn are in the future!

This is officially the last chapter I'll be writing for this book! Thankyou all so much for reading! I appreciate you all!


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