Chapter Nine

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Cartman's POV

Lately, Bebe has been twice as annoying compared to when she was as a kid. Why? Probably because she's all over me. Then when I turn her down she moves on to Clyde. I hate girls like that, the whore kind. She's  such a hoe. She's provably not, but i hate her. For some reason even Wendy and Red were flirting with me. I'm too fat and ugly to even imagine a girl or boy with me. I still haven't figured out what Kyle and I are.

I really need a diary or something. BUT those are for five year old girls. Maybe I need to talk to someone?.. Kyle? No he's helped me too much as it is. Kenny? Nah he'll probably use his charm, and good looks and woo both Kyle and Bebe. He's shifty. I don't mind if Bebe left me alone just if Kyle left I'd probably kill myself. Butters? He can't keep his mouth shut. Craig? Yeah Craig he hardly ever talks and he doesn't care for gossip.

Now all I need to do is to find Craig. I do a three-sixty and hit my head against something. But oh-no, it wasn't something it was someone, Craig. Speak of the devil.

"Ow," I say rubbing my temples with my fingertips.

"Damn right," Craig suppressed a smile.

"Oh Craig. I needed to talk to you," I say awkwardly.

"Okay," He said with that addictive monotone voice he had. Addictive? Because it just suited him, and somehow that is swoon worthy.

"Follow me," I say. I must sound like a business woman taking him to my boss, or something like that.


When we arrived to the abandoned gym we sat on the bleachers next to one another.

"Well what did you need to talk about?" Craig asks.

"Oh um... Well can you keep a secret Craig?" I say, like a twelve year old girl does to her best friend.

"I've been keepin' secrets for years," He cracks his knuckles then returns to his proper posture.

"Can you keep mine?"

"I guess so, shoot," He says.

"Well I need guidance. Bebe won't leave me alone, but I have feelings for someone else Craig that person is. That person is K-,"

"Kyle I know," he smirks a little and says "I can read people like a book,"

"Is it obvious?"

"Nah it just seems like you to have a strong bond almost a sorta friendship,"

"Oh," was all I said.

"And I can ask Clyde to take care of Bebe," Craig says, poker face as usual.

"Thank you Craig," I throw my arms around his neck hugging him.

I heard a soft gasp, and the sound of textbooks hitting the cold tile. Who was that?

At lunch Kyle had a stain on his face. Stan was gone. Kenny sat with the slutty girls. That left my and Kyle. Back to the stain were those tear stains.

"Kyle have you been crying?" I ask only picking at my lunch. My well being doesn't matter to me anymore only Kyle's. Kyle looked away a mix of anger and depression on his face.

"No," he says coldly.

"It's okay if you were," I rub his back softly and in circular motion.

"Don't touch me," Kyle mumbles under his breath.

"Fine," I turn away from him.

"Hey dudes," Stan says,  his arms linked with a girl I've never seen before.

"Who's that?" Kyle asks quickly rubbing the tear stains of his cheeks.

"This is Grace she's new here," Stan says merrily introducing the girl. The new girl had dark brunette hair that almost matched the dark shade of her eyes that were emphasized my mascara. She had on a bright green T-shirt, not quite neon, but close. Faded light blue skinny jeans were painted on her legs. She was pretty I'll admit but Stan seemed to like her, and besides I got to worry about Kyle.

"Hi, " She whispers shyly.

"Hi," Kyle smiles softly, Grace returned the smile pink dusting her cheeks when she glanced at Stan.

"Kyle can you go somewhere with me?" I ask grabbing him up by his arm.

"Uhh sure," He says a tad of question in his voice.

I walk to the bathroom pulling Kyle along with me by his arm.

"What?" Kyle demands. Is he on his period again?

"This," I grab his shoulders and and tugged at the hem of his long sleeve shirt near the shoulder. I place my lips wear his shirt can cover up. I suck hard on the soft, thin skin. Kyle screams quietly, barely audible in pain. Minutes later I pull away and kiss the sensitive skin.

"What was that for," Kyle pulls away rubbing the small bruise.

"What does a hickey mean Kyle?" I ask already knowing.

"Basically when you claim- ohhh," Kyle says in realization.

"Yeah," I say slowly and awkwardly.

"S-so I'm y-yours," Kyle stutters cutely.


"Why me?" He whispered "don't you hate me because I'm a Jew, ginger or even. Jersey?"

"No...not anymore I don't know why but... I don't know it's just hard to explain maybe because you helped me," I say.

"Oh... So is it official are we a thing," Kyle gazes deeply into my eyes with his beautiful emerald.

"Yes Kyle but only if you want to,"

"And if I don't will you make fun of me?" He asks causing my heart to drop.

"Nothing will change," I say sincerely.

"Oh as tempting as that sounds I say yes," Kyle says wrapping his arms around my frail, thin body.

I mentally shout yes, and wrap my arms tightly around him for a hug. It's official I'm crazy, but at this point I don't care.

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