Chapter 18: Journal Entry

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"Twenty-seventh of July 2187,

I haven't had time to write, so there is a lot to catch up on. I was captured... A while ago. I'm not even sure when Hunter had bagged me, but that's not even important to me anymore.

I've made a few friends here. This place is not nearly as bad as I had imagined. We're fed three meals a day, we have somewhat comfortable beds, our own rooms, and we're mostly left to do whatever we wish so long as we don't run off. But I believe there's something else to this place that they aren't telling us. It's too nice for what it truly is. Ang3l and D3mon, their names as twisted as their bodies, were actual men once. Ang3l said something about the war he and D3mon were in, but that's all I really know about them. And sometimes I wonder if that's all they know about themselves, too.

When I had first arrived, Mystic was just a little nameless girl. Now Gynesis has been gone for two days because she wanted to kill him for destroying her entire life.

I trust Ang3l and D3mon. They're still trying to be good despite the hell that has just hit them. But Gynesis isn't right. Something is going on here. He wouldn't have done that...

I'm being too vague...

When Mystic went in to kill Gynesis, I snapped. The Mystic I knew would never kill. She was kind, she was young and sweet, she wasn't someone who would try to kill someone who had raised her. Even if he did betray her...

I didn't mean to hurt her. I truly didn't. But when I heard the gunshot I could have sworn I shattered...

Gynesis killed her. And I didn't stop him.

I can't let him kill her without having consequences. Mystic deserved better than that.

Ang3l doesn't leave the lab now, D3mon still wonders the halls he walked with her, and I'm just here. Writing her story into mine because I can't forgive myself...

God I'm pitiful...

I'll write again later..."

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