Chapter 35: Puzzle Piece

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            An electric pain shot through Ashlie's arm as she accidentally rolled over onto the countless scratches that had been bandaged. She jolted awake, groaning in pain. Ang3l was immediately by her side, his "eyes" wide with worry as he looked down at her. His mask was off, making it easier for him to make sure she was okay while she was laying asleep on the floor. No one else was in the room; even D3mon had gone to keep an eye on Jack and Alex while they were staying away from the lab. Ang3l gently placed a hand on Ashlie's forehead, sighing as he realized that her temperature seemed to be back to normal. She slowly sat up and looked at Ang3l tiredly. He smiled softly, the bloody scabs on his cheek tearing a bit, "Are you feeling better?"

            Ashlie just looked at Ang3l with confusion, "I... I really don't know."

            Ang3l nodded in understanding. When Ashlie didn't speak for a while, he decided to tell her what had happened. He sighed and moved closer to Ashlie, talking quietly as if he were afraid someone else would hear, "You were being read. For just a moment, but it's enough to drain your body for days. Whoever it was... I think they wanted to use you to get information."

            Ashlie looked at him with confusion as she asked quietly, "What do you mean being read? Like a book?" she tried to joke in an attempt make him smile for even a moment, but it didn't work.

            Ang3l simply looked down, "Some mutants have the ability to get into someone's head and search it for information. The ones that Gynesis has here are even more powerful thanks to his little experiments. I think one was trying to find something in your mind, probably for Gynesis himself."

            Ashlie sat and stared at the blanket that was on top of her while she processed the information, "You mean... I did that to you, didn't I?" she looked at the five gashes on his face that reminded her of Mystic in a strange way. Her stomach twisted as if her body was trying to force down the sudden pain in her heart.

            Ang3l lifted his hand and ran them over the scratches as if he hadn't even noticed them before she pointed them out. He sighed quietly, "You lashed out and accidentally cut me, but it doesn't hurt much, really." The muscles in his face tensed as he smiled and looked at Ashlie, knowing she would probably blame herself, but hoping that she wouldn't.

            She shook her head and looked down at her hands, noting the blood that was dried under her nails. "I'm sorry..." she muttered.

            Ang3l shook his head and stood up, "No need for 'sorry's it was an accident, there's nothing wrong with accidents." He walked over to one of the tables in the lab that had a bowl on top of it. He handed it to her and sat in front of her again, "Oatmeal. You need to eat." Ashlie looked down at the bowl. It definitely didn't look like the oatmeal in the cafeteria, it looked more like an oat stew than anything. She looked back up at Ang3l with an amused smile and he nodded, "I know... I had to make it myself and I'm not the best cook." He chuckled a bit and waited for her to eat it. She hesitated, but eventually lifted the spoon and took a bite. Despite the unappetizing look, it didn't taste too terrible. She kept eating it, too hungry to care about the disturbing slimy texture. Eventually, she finished the oatmeal and set the bowl next to her.

            As Ang3l silently looked at her own wounds that she had carved into her own arms, the door slowly opened. He didn't lift his head, instead he looked down at his lap as Jack walked into the room. He sighed gratefully as he saw that Ashlie was awake. Jack walked over to them and sat on the other side of Ashlie, opposite of Ang3l (who was completely silent now), "How do you feel?"

            Ashlie sighed and faked a smile, "I feel great..." She murmured sarcastically.

            Jack nodded, looking at her with worry in his brown eyes, "Alex is eating right now, but he'll be on his way as soon as he's done. I figured I'd check in on you for him."

            Ang3l growled a bit under his breath, barely audible to the normal ear, but easy for both of the Changers to hear. Jack didn't seem surprised, but he frowned in response.

            Jack sighed and looked at Ang3l, not meeting his "eyes" but still talking directly to him, "I'm sorry about Alex..." he muttered, his voice was low and sad.

            Ang3l didn't speak a word in response. He simply stood up and grabbed his mask before walking out of the room. He was shaking, but trying to hold himself together while he was in their line of sight. He left the room and closed the door. When he disappeared, Jack shook his head sadly, "I don't understand him sometimes..."

            Ashlie kept her eyes on the door, even after Ang3l left, "He's... Sensitive. Even without a heart, he's the most caring person I know."

            Jack nodded and sighed, "I don't know what he wants. I try to give him food and try to talk to him, but he seems to hate my guts." He looked up at Ashlie, hoping for some sort of hint or secret golden rule on how to make Ang3l more comfortable around him.

            Ashlie shifted herself so she could look at Jack without hurting herself more, "Ang3l... doesn't like being seen as a monster. Unlike D3mon, he still feels human inside." Jack lifted his head to look into Ashlie's eyes, "Imagine if... You were turned into something terrifying and everyone was afraid of you. No matter what you did, no one wanted to be with you because you were a monster. What would you want most?"

            Jack took only a moment to think, "I... I would want someone to treat me like a normal person..." he looked down at his hands to break the eye contact with Ashlie, "But I do understand how he feels... after all, even he sees me as a monster and I just..." His voice trailed off as he frowned, not sure why he was telling her all of this but unable to hold it in anymore.

            Ashlie kept her eyes on Jack, understanding completely, "You just want to belong somewhere."

            Jack looked up at Ashlie again, nodding silently but not sure how to explain it.

            Ashlie rested a hand on his shoulder, "You do belong, Jack. Maybe not here, but with us. You belong with Ang3l, D3mon, Alex, and even me. That's where you belong. And maybe you don't feel it yet, but I promise you, one day you will." Her smile was soft and tired.

            Jack smiled back as he looked at Ashlie gratefully. He nodded and seemed to decide something in his mind. He lifted a hand and rested it on Ashlie's cheek, while she only leaned into the touch gently. Jack looked into her eyes. They stayed there for a moment, the tension building up between them before their lips locked, and they kissed deeply.

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