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Mark's perspective

Normally, I mind my own business and not someone else's, but I really wanted to know what happened there when I came in. All I heard was something about being sick, when I came in Mika was crying. I could only think about the worst case scenarios, but I didn't think they would be true. All I could think, was maybe Ethan is sick, but no, he doesn't look sick. I just decided to ask
Ma: 'Uhm Ethan what happened there when I came in?'
E: 'Oh nothing it's silly'
Ma: 'It didn't sound silly'
E: 'it's fine Mark, and ever thought about minding your own business?'
Ma: 'Okay, Okay I'm sorry'
I tried to laugh it off but Ethan's face didn't show a single smile.
E: 'Stop looking at me like that and record the video'
His words never sounded to cold, like he was a different person. He didn't laugh and smile uncontrollably like always, he just stared into nothing most of the time. I was actually getting worried, but I decided to just record the video and act like nothing happened. When we were done recording, Ethan just left the room, without saying anything. I was very confused, but followed him anyways. When I came downstairs, he wasn't there. I saw Mika just sitting in the sofa staring at the television, even tough the television was off. I walked to the sofa and sat next to her.
Ma: 'Where did Ethan go?'
Mi: 'Probably the toilet'
And that's when I really knew something was horribly wrong, Mika is always hyped, happy and full of confidence, now she was silent and didn't even look me in the eyes.
Ma: 'Okay I'm just gonna ask. What the hell is happening here?'
Mi: 'What do you mean?'
Ma: 'Stop pretending like nothing's wrong I saw you crying when I came in'
I saw Mika was ready to cry again. Her eyes filled with tears and here hands were balled up.
Mi: 'Mark i really can't-'
Ma: 'Really I won't tell Ethan, please tell me I really just want to make sure you are both okay'
Mi: 'he's not'
Ma: 'he's not what?'
Mi: 'He's not okay, he has one year left'
Ma: 'Wait what?'
Mi: 'Mark can you promise me something?'
Ma: 'Uhm, sure...'
Mi: 'Please make this the best year of his life, make him smile, be happy, and don't tell him you know'
Ma: 'You have my word'
Mi: 'Good'
I was in a shock, I couldn't even show emotions, or I was just acting strong because people were around. I just stared, and I realized I was doing the exact same as Mika and Ethan were doing ever since I came in.
E: 'What's wrong?'
Ma: 'Oh, Ethan uhm I just zoned out, wanna eat dinner at my house?'
E: 'Maybe tomorrow.'
Ma: 'Oh okay'
A long silence ended the conversation and I decided to leave them alone and go home, they obviously have a lot on their minds. I walked home and felt weird, the whole time all I could think about was how much it would affect my life if Ethan was gone, and I came to the conclusion that my life would be so different. After Amy, Ethan is the person I spend the most time with, and he was the person that always makes me laugh, even at hard times, it's confusing to know that he won't be there at those times anymore. I realized I was crying and sat down on the sidewalk, I didn't want Amy to see me crying, I didn't want anyone to see me crying. I sat there for a bit and looked at my watch, and realized I've sat there for over an hour. I got to the point where I exactly felt like when my father died, and maybe even worse. I dried my tears and picked myself back up, 'be strong Mark, you have to be.' When I had the courage to enter my house, Amy came to me for a kiss.
A: 'Missed you handsome'
Ma: 'It's been 3 hours but missed you to'
I kissed her cheek and went to the kitchen to cook some food, maybe it would distract me. I started cooking thinking it was just a random recipe, but when I was done I realized I was actually making Ethan's favorite food without even thinking about it. I took 2 plates and put them on the table.
Ma: 'Amy the food's done'
A: 'Is Ethan coming over?'
Ma: 'no?'
A: 'Oh, you usually only make this food when Ethan comes over'
Ma: 'Well, I like it too so why not?'
A: 'haha okay then'
We ate the food and chatted for a while, I tried not to think about all of it.

Mika's perspective:

I couldn't really believe what just happened, i really tried to stay strong but I can't . Ever since the day we met, I thought that we would grow old together, I really thought: 'Yes, this is the one'. Now it's all just weird, it doesn't feel real, maybe it's just a bad dream. I walked into Ethan's room and sat next to him on the bed.
E: 'You should start packing'
M: 'What? Why?'
E: 'Weren't you going home today'
M: 'I don't want to leave, I want to have every moment with you from now on'
E: 'You don't need to change your life for me, I don't mind you leaving'
M: 'Can't I just live here from now?'
E: 'Of course you can babe, but you don't have to'
M: 'Okay it's official I live here now'
I know he said I didn't have to, but I saw his smile when I said I wanted to stay, he was obviously happy with it. Honestly I've been thinking about living together for a while, now it's only gonna be one year, but I wouldn't want to miss it.
I felt really bad for telling Mark, but I know he never gives up, he would find out no matter what.

Hi, writer here. I know the world is really scary right now, but try not to panic. Stay calm, wash your hands, stay inside. That's all you can do now.
Sending lots of love and appreciation to all people in the health care sector! <3

Btw, im sorry I accidentally published this before it was done, I really goofed it there :(

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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