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The next day you get up and you feel like s*** you have the worst hang over that you've ever had you started to cry because not only did you have the worst night ever because you didn't get to enjoy the party but you also lost someone that you love deeply you bash your hands in your head and scream why why did I have to kiss him why does it have be me you really want to make it up to him so you decide to go over to their house knock on the door but no one answers so you walk inside because you have a spare key all the boys were sitting on the couch Kio gets up and leaves you grab a hold of his arm but he Yanks it out of your hands

Y/n: Kio please I'm sorry I love you so much didn't mean for that to happen I was drunk he took advantage of me

Kio: should have thought of that before you kissed him back

Kio quietly walks out the door grabs his car keys and leaves

Y/n: boys please help me

You Say well sobbing

Josh: why would we help you, you broke his heart you know when he first saw you he didn't want you to be a sex slave he thought you had so much potential he fell in love with you and all you did was stab him in the back even though he did so much for you your pockets are so full of money do you want to know why because you didn't spend a single cent of your own money all that money is kio's we work for our money all you do is take take our money and you took all of our hearts and smashed it on the ground

All the boys get up and walk to the room they left you sobbing on the ground you had no words you didn't know what to say you felt like you were helpless you needed to find a way for them to forgive you, you made a plan to talk to them each and individually you walked into their rooms and you started off with Anthony

Anthony: just leave I don't know why you're still here

Y/n: just listen please when I first met you guys I thought all you guys wanted me was for sex and at that point that's what it was and when I slept with each individual you guys were all so different you guys all had one thing in common though your love and kindness and compassion for people I can't quite describe it you guys made me feel like my heart was exploding I can't express how much sorrow I have towards you guys because I not only did this to you but did it to your friend someone that's always been there for you and I really want to make it up to you guys so what I did was I sold everything in my closet and it came to round 100k so what I did was I paid off your guys's house and I also paid off a bit of all of your houses it's not big but it's something to help

Anthony: wow seriously thank you I know you have a kind heart and I know that you make mistakes but this one you really f***** up bad I can forgive you because this fight is not between me and you this fight is between you and Kio and I can tell you right now that the boys are at the door right now listening to this conversation

TB: Anthony shut the f******

Anthony laughs

Anthony: we all forgive you and we really do love you but this is not between us this is between you and Kio and you need to make things right with him because he is in such a dark place right now he is hurting so bad he has never felt this way before he has never felt so much love before from you and he got that and it's really killing him on the inside he thinks that you don't love him and you just use him for money you need to make this right with him before it's too late and he walks out of your life and you never see him again

Y/n: yes I need to make this right but we do have a problem I don't know where he went

TB: we all have tracking devices on our phones

Y/n: that's a little bit creepy but okay

You look on your phone and you find Kio you're a little bit weirded out because you don't know where he is it looks like he's in the middle of nowhere you see a lot of water around so you think that he went to the beach you thank the boys so much you hop in your car and start to drive it took you about 20 minutes to get to the destination and you got there you were confused it was a swamp really cold and ugly and dark there was a bridge and there was a man with his feet dangling off the bridge with him sitting on the side rails you look closer and it's Kio

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