I am pregnant

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You wake up and Kio is right next to you that sense of love and compassion you get to just see him right next to you when you wake up that feeling you could never get enough of you kiss him on his sweet soft lips you get out of bed and go make something you decide to eat some of the leftover take out that you had yesterday you microwaved it and ate it and immediately felt super sick you ran to the bathroom and threw up you were throwing up so loud that Kio woke up and banged on the door

Kio: babe open the door what's wrong are you okay

Y/n: yeah I'm okay I think that take out just went really bad

Kio: can you open the door so I can see you and make sure that you are okay

Y/n: I'm coming out now hun

you come out of the bathroom and she gives you a big hug he had to go to work so you stayed at home you had this weird feeling in your stomach and you were kind of scared so you decided to go to the store and pick up a pregnancy test you came home absolutely terrified you walked into the bathroom and took it you had to wait 3 minutes she sat on the couch and watch some TV to get your mind off of it you forgot about it and you were watching a movie after an hour you went to the bathroom and found it the anxiety rushed back and you felt like you were going to faint you looked at the pregnancy test and it was positive your mouth dropped you were terrified you were ready to be a parent but didn't know how he would react seeing though you guys are only 20 you don't think he would be ready to have a baby for most of the day you're pacing back and forth with really bad anxiety thinking if he's going to leave you because you have a baby you guys do have an extra room because you were planning on having a baby later on but not now you hop in the shower and try to get your mind off things you get out of the shower and decide to go to the store and get some snacks to watch a movie it was almost time for Keo to come back for work you were s******* your pants he gets back home and walks in the door

Kio: babe I'm home

Y/n: ummm hey babe

You started to cry you didn't know what to do

Kio: babe what's wrong

Y/n: I'm pregnant please don't leave me I need you please

Kio: whoa baby slow down what I would never leave you you're pregnant

Kio gives you a big hug he twirls you around in the air and kisses you all over

Y/n: you're not leaving me

Kio: no why the hell would I leave you

Y/n: just thought that you weren't ready to have a kid with me that we were too young

Kio: yes we are young but I would never leave you because we have a baby together it's okay babe let's call our friends and family and tell him the great news

We decided to call all of our friends and family and they were super excited for us I went to the doctors and confirmed that I was pregnant I was super excited to have a baby well not just to have a baby but to spend the rest of my life with Kio

2 month's later

Me and Keo decided to do the gender reveal at our wedding we thought that if we buy a white dress we can use colorful powder and ruin the dress with the color everyone came I even let my father and my mother come to the wedding I forgave them I let them be a part of my life again me and keel we're so happy together I walked down the aisle we said our vows we kissed and then we set off the poppers IT'S A BOY oh wait THERE'S ALSO A GIRL........


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