Never Again

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The phone was ringing. Tony rolled over in bed and looked at the clock. 10 am. He heard Pepper's quiet breath behind him, still asleep. With a sleepy sigh, he stood up and tugged on a tee shirt that was draped over his bed.

Grabbing the phone from the bedside table, he brought it to his ear, "Hello?"

"Tony, what's going on?" Pepper's voice spoke to him through the receiver.

"I- Pepper?" Tony spun around and looked at the bed. Sleeping there peacefully was a tall, golden haired Steve, lying on his side, chest slowly rising and falling beneath the sheets. "Damn." Tony whispered, his eyes growing big as he realized what was happening.

"What's that?" Pepper pulled his mind back to the phone.

"Huh? Oh, I said, hi. What's going on?"

"Well," Pepper went on in a casual tone, "The weather in California's pretty bad. My flights delayed so I won't be home until around 7. What's going on there?"

"Oh, nothing just hanging out alone," lied Tony as he stepped out the door and into the living room.

"Okay then. Just thought I'd call, see you later tonight. We can have dinner or something, okay? Bye."


The other end went silent.
Setting down the phone, Tony peered into the bedroom at Steve's sleeping figure. Shaking his head, he walked over to the bar and poured himself a cup of coffee.

Wasted, he thought, Last time this happened I was wasted. Pepper had left the day before and there was a big party. He couldn't recall most of it, but he had woken up in bed with Steve and a hang over.

He wasn't wasted last night though, just buzzed. Tony played the scattered memories over and over. Kissing Steve in the elevator, pulling him in, Steve's quiet voice whispering his name right before they fell asleep, "Tony..."

He leaned against the counter holding his mug.

"Hey," a sexy voice came from behind him, "Is there coffee?"

Tony looked up, "Are you wearing my boxers?"

Steve looked down at the blue and green shorts. "I guess I am." He smiled with two perfect rows of teeth as he pushed himself up to sit on the counter, the muscles in his arms and stomach rippling. He looked down at Tony, blue eyes twinkling.

Tony smiled at him. Then he turned away and studied his cup before walking over to the window. He stood there a moment and admired the Empire State Building.

Coming up behind him, Steve slipped a gentle arm around his lover's waist and pulled him closer. "You were amazing last night," he breathed into Tony's ear. Tony turned and let himself be pulled into Steve's sweet smelling hug. He breathed in deeply never wanting to let go. They stood holding each other, feeling their hearts beat together for what felt like forever and no time at all all at once.

"Pepper," Tony blurted suddenly.

"What?" asked Steve taken aback.

"Pepper's coming home soon," he pulled away.

"Oh," answered Steve, "Okay." He grabbed Tony again and pulled him close looking deep into his eyes, "I'll just have to go then." Putting two fingers under Tony's chin and lifting his face to meet his, Steve leaned in with closed eyes.

Tony pulled away at the last second, "Steve," he said, "Steve, we can't do this again."

Face falling, Steve stepped back, "We can't?"

Looking into those beautiful blue eyes, Tony saw the hurt and confusion in them. He turned away, "No," he answered looking again out the window, "This can't keep happening."

"Oh," said Steve, "Alright then." After a long silence, he walked back into the bedroom without another word.

A few minutes later he walked out again, fully dressed his hair sweeping to the side. "I'll see you at the party then."

"Party?" questioned Tony, turning.

"Yeah, at Clint's? He invite you?"

"Oh, yeah. That," he paused, "Yeah. See you tomorrow."

He listened, starring out the window, to Steve's steps leaving and the dull tone of the elevator going down. He sighed.

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