✧ chapter six: getting familiar with the familiar

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Lance McClain and his friends— the ones that were around his own age— noticed an obvious change in their parents after the alleged meeting with Yorak. Each family responded differently, but none have been left completely unaffected.

Lance's chose to leave him in the dark. He's not sure if his siblings, beyond Luis, know about it or not and he's almost afraid to ask them. Being the baby of the family was fun when he was little because it meant that he usually got what he wanted when it came to toys and sweets. It was less fun when he was an adult and his parents treated him like he was still a child, like he couldn't handle much of anything on his own. Like whatever was discussed in that meeting would strike him dead on the spot.

He wants to know. But it's a hectic time of year, so he hasn't had time to meet with Hunk or Pidge privately to ask them what their parents told them. And when he sees others, it's because he's making or receiving a delivery. He spends many days confined to his farm, hard labor leaving him a creaky-boned and sweaty mess with no time or energy left for socialization, passing out the moment the sun sets.

That's why it is a good two weeks before he finds himself near the center of the village again.

He has developed a sort of routine. He's been determined to befriend that pretty cat since he first saw him sneaking around Shiro's Sweets, and befriend him he has. Sort of. Kitty still hasn't allowed Lance to pick him up, but he DOES allow Lance to pet him. Takashi wasn't joking when he said that the cat takes its time to warm up to new people.

Lance got into the habit of carrying around extra sweets and snacks— stuff safe for cat consumption— and presenting them whenever he saw Kitty. The cat eventually approached. After several of these exchanges he started allowing Lance to touch him, just barely. He only likes to be pet on the head. If Lance's hand dares venture past his shoulders, he snarls. Lance doesn't want to ruin their new friendship, so he is always quick to apologize and return his hand to the space behind the cat's ears.

He keeps an eye out for Kitty as he wanders the town square alone. He's finished his deliveries early and is taking the opportunity to potentially meet up with some of his pals. Maybe they'll tell him what went on at that meeting. He knows that they're likely working, though, and there are crowds of decent size in the marketplace, so he has no intention of bothering them when they're at their busiest.

Lance squints, white-hot springtime sunlight burning into his eyes. It makes Kitty's dark shape harder to spot, but he does spot it. Kitty keeps to the bushes. He's probably headed for Takashi's place, but for whatever reason, he is especially sneaky.

"There's my little guy! You almost blended into the shadows there, huh?"

Lance approaches with an offering of dried fish. He knows the cat is expecting its bribe by now and would likely be annoyed if he waltzed up without it. And by now, he is accustomed enough that he takes the fish without needing to sniff it and inspect it first. Lance watches him eat and strokes his soft little head. Kitty eats strangely and must have been someone's pet once. Lance brought him fresh fish once and Kitty didn't seem to know what to do with it. He doesn't have trouble with the dried fish, but he does hold it between his paws and take careful bites like a tiny person might. It's strangely endearing.

It takes him a bit too long to notice the change. His fingers brush against something, and that's when he notices the ribbon around Kitty's neck. He grabs for whatever it is and Kitty hisses at him.

"Fine! I won't touch it!" He puts his hands up to indicate his surrender. Kitty goes back to eating. Lance moves his head around until the sun's beams finally reflect off of the dark metal. It appears to be a small key, and it's fastened around his feline neck with a length of sturdy ribbon. "What are you doing with something like that, anyway?"

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