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These lights seem to be turning off and on in my head, like a light switch in my mind was being messed with. I try to move my mouth, move my eyes, move anything, but I'm paralyzed. My whole body aches, with painful poundings coming from the back of my head, and tense stings coming from my wrists. Great.

I was stopped. If I'm not dead, I must be in a hospital somewhere. I try to remember what happened, but I can't concentrate, and my mind is blank when it comes to that night.

I hear whispering voices, and I strain to try and understand what they're saying. I can make out bits and pieces of the whispers, "but what if the hospital makes it worse? I know it's supposed to help but sometimes people like her feel backed into a corner and panic when they have to face the fact that someone knows about what they do, what they did"

People like me? They don't even know me, what does he mean?

"Well I know that, but-"

"No guys, you should've seen her. She was dripping blood everywhere, tears mixing with the blood. She was so horrified when I pulled her back, like she was scared of something"

So that's the one that stopped me. I get a memory of warm arms and someone whispering "I'll keep you safe"...was that him?

"Scared of you?"

"Yeah, or scared of living"

"Do you think the hospital will help?"

"I don't know, but I get the feeling that a few chats with a psychologist and a few pills aren't gonna go that far with this girl, I mean, she was fully set on dying"

I twitched a bit, uncomfortable with how they were talking about me as if I wasn't even there.

"Hey, did she just move?"

"Guys I think she's waking up"

"Hey sweetie, can you hear me"

Of course I can hear you, I'm not dead. Because of one of you, I'm guessing.

"We should get her some water maybe?"

"Yeah ok I'll go do that"

A cold hand rests on my forehead, easing my headache a bit.

I tried to open my eyes again, but they were still scrunched shut. I groaned in frustration, and was surprised to hear it out loud. Well, I can move my mouth at least. I opened it wide, finally taking in the deep breaths that I had been unable to take.

"Hey can you hear me sweetie?" the voice says again.

"Yes" I rasp out, croaky. I try to move my arms, and after a struggle, my left hand comes flying at me, smacking me on the cheek. "Ow" I groan, and then I move my other arm, controlled this time, to feel my head. It's wrapped up in cloth, probably because of whatever made my head kill like this.

I try to sit up, but hands push me back. "Back up sir. Excuse me miss, but you need to lay down. You need to rest. Those are some nasty injuries you've got there" a female voice says.

My eyes finally open, but my sight is all weird. I feel my face to find that my left eye is wrapped in the cloth covering my face. I look up to see kind brown eyes and blonde tousles, smiling down at me.

"I'm nurse Joy, and I'll be taking care of you. Along with Doctor Wren, of course" tousles says. Nurse Joy. How pleasant.

I blink at her, and she nods, saying "well, alright, I'll leave you alone with your friends then" she says, then she disappears from view.

Friends? Simultaneously, 5 heads appear in my field of vision, all staring down, concerned.

Somebody's Hero (Andy Biersack )Where stories live. Discover now