Chapter 8

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It's like we are in a standoff as we sit across from each other. The papers laying between the two of us like a bucket of hot rocks that we are scared to touch. The only sound that goes through the room is the sound of the breeze wafting in through her cracked window. I look over Toni as my mind drifts back to a all too familiar situation when we was both sitting in front of the same stack of papers...

"Are you sure about this Beyoncé?" My lawyer asks me as I sign the papers and push them to a quiet Toni who is looking down in shape. "My wife cheated on me, she lied to me, she broke our vows. I'm past sure" I say in disgust at her. Toni's lawyer leans over to whisper something in her ear and she shakes her head. He lets out a sigh before addressing me, "it has come to my attention that a prenup was not signed, correct?" He asks.

"If she thinks she is getting a dime of my"- I start to say but Toni shakes her head. "I don't want nothing from you Beyoncé...I just want this to be a clean divorce, you can have it all..." she takes a deep breathe before signing the papers and standing. "I'm sorry..." she says before walking out of the room...

End flashback-

That was the last time I saw her, before tonight. She looks different, but somehow still the same. Her hair that was cut short towards the end of our marriage has grew to touch her mid back. Her body that was slim, has now curved deliciously, her breasts grew slightly larger, her ass has rounded to sit perfectly on her back. But it wasn't just the physical changes that are different. She seems like she is at peace with parts of herself, she seems more in tune with herself. And God she is still so beautiful.

"After I received the letter and email, I called the number to see what exactly did that mean. The woman told me that her father didn't file our divorce so basically it's not valid...under the eyes of the law, we are still legally married" she says as she rubs her hands together, it was her tell sign for whenever she was nervous or anxious. "So what do we do about it?" I ask and she sighs. "I don't know...the lady said we got to wait at least a month by law to put in another set of papers...I called my lawyer and asked her about it and she said the same thing"she tells me making me sigh this time.

We both are quiet as we think of our situation and what we can do to fix it. Her phone rings as I'm about to talk to her and she reaches in her purse to get it. She pulls it out and her eyes shift nervously between the phone and me before answering turning away from me slightly. "Hey baby" at that first words I am paying extra attention. "Yes I'm at having fun...that's good...I miss you the morning...okay goodnight...I love you too..." she hangs up and her head drops a little before turning back to me.

I raise my eyebrow as my mind wonders. "Girlfriend?" I ask not able to hold my tongue. She looks at me hesitantly before answering, " daughter actually" she says and I have to keep my mouth from dropping open in shock. "Ooh?" I ask and she nods, "yeah" she pulls out her phone again and click away a few times before passing it to me. My heart melts at the picture of the cutest little girl with big eyes that look just like her mommas. "Her name is Anala, she is five" Toni says her voice filled with happiness.

"She is beautiful, she look just like you" I say passing her back the phone before my emotions can get out of hand. "Thank you..." she says. I clear my throat as jealousy starts to stir deep inside me and I start thinking of who she could have had that child with. "Beyoncé I am so so"- she says but I interrupt her. "Stop! I don't want to talk about that please...I just want to sign these divorce papers and never see you again if I can avoid it. We can be professional for my sisters wedding but that's all, other then that we stay away from each other" I tell her harshly and tears start to well up in her eyes.

"But I need to explain" she says as I stand up and walk to the door. "Toni I don't want to hear it!" I shout back at her. "I didn't sleep with her!" She says as I go to open the door I stop and turn around to face her and she stands now. "What did you say?" I ask. "I-I didn't sleep with her, but I fucked up...I was so lonely and she was there emotionally...we kissed twice but that's all I swear" she says as she comes up to me. "You still hurt me though don't you get it?! Emotional cheating is even worse then physical!" I say getting ready for an argument.

"I know! But you was gone Beyoncé! You was gone and I needed you but you wasn't there!" She says both of us crying now. "I was working for us! I was lonely too Toni but did you think about me? No! You was too busy worrying about yourself!" I scream. Soon we are both shouting at each other in each other faces about what the other did to hurt each other. Ten minutes into arguing I am sick of arguing and the scent of her draws me even closer as she screams and cries to me. Sweet vanilla and a hint of mint like usual. "Your allergic to mint" I say in the middle of her screaming and she looks at me confused. "What?" She asks. "Every time I smile mint I think of you because you are allergic to it...I hate you" I say before grabbing her and pulling her into me.

Our lips connect powerfully and a moan escapes my chest as a whimper escapes her mouth. She pulls back a little and looks at me with her low eyes before moving back into me and attaching a our lips together again. As our tongues tangle together I move us around and push her back against the door. My hands roam over her curvy figure and even though it has been years it all feels so familiar. We pull back for air and I rest my forehead on hers. "We can't do this" I say and she nods. "I hate you" I say and she nods again, "I know" she says before pulling me back down just so our lips are touching. "I know" she says against my lips. I sigh before leaning into her and connecting our lips again. A growl rumbles deep in my chest as I pull her closer to me, so close that if someone was to walk into here then they wouldn't be able to tell where I ended and she began.

My hands goes to her plump ass and my thigh wedges between hers and she starts grinding on it. Soft, short moans comes out her mouth when I disconnect our lips and start kissing down her neck. "Fuck" she says as I bite into her, marking her because she will always be mine, even when she not. "You taste so good, makes me wonder how you taste in other places, are you still as sweet as the last time I tasted you?" I ask. My hands start pulling down her pants as her moans increase and I start start tugging them down her legs before I grow impatient and shove my hand down her pants.

We shouldn't be doing this runs around in my mind and I know we should stop but she is addicting, and I am feening for her. I move her panties to the side and touch her most private area, and I am instantly gone. It's so warm and inviting. Wet. Her moans hit my ear as I hike her leg up on my waist to open her up to me. "Bey" she says huskily in my ear. I look deep into her eyes as I my fingers caress her wetness. My breathing comes out shaking and I start to push a finger into her until a knock on the door interrupts us. I jump away from her like I was shocked and she drops to her knees from the intensity of the moment.

"Toni are you okay? The Knowles are ready to go over cake flavors" The voice of one of the ladies she works with calls out. "Y-yeah I'm fine...we are coming down now Destiny" she says trying to control her shaky voice. I stand there and start to run my hand over my face until I remember where it has just been and the scent of her pussy wafts in my nose making my mouth water. One taste is all I want. All I need.

"Okay see you down there" the woman, Destiny says. I'm guessing she leaves and it is quiet for a few moments as Toni and me are silent not knowing what to say. Why did we do that? She looks up at me around the same time I look over at her and our eyes lock on one another's. All I can think is that we can't do that again, but damn I want a taste of her. But I hate her... damn do I hate her...

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