Chapter 2 Speaking to the Galaxy

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After a few days, Sparrow got the privilege to leave the pack early.

The night after she left, she couldn't fall asleep. She was just thinking about what her mothers were doing back at camp. Suddenly she heard a voice. "Sparrow," the voice was deep and familiar to those of stories. "I know it is hard to say goodbye to your pack, but I have turned into the galaxy and the stars. I will always be watching over you,"

"B-but who are you?"

"I am your family. The one who started your generations. I am Zelda."

"B-but how are you speaking to me if Thunderstorm killed you?"

"She killed my body, though my spirit still roams free. SunClan has given me the responsibility of being the galaxy. If I left, you would have no stars or night and fire would eventually spread throughout the forest and all across Yellowstone. Be careful, Sparrow. I believe in you..."

"But will you come back?"

"I will speak to you when you most need me..." the she-wolf flew away, shape shifting back into the galaxy. Sparrow sighed, though knew that she needed to rest for the journey.

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