Long Time No See

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Hey guys. It's been such a long time and I'm sorry for that. Um...Well. 

First, I am doing the options, I still am. You guys probably are like "ugh it's been so long. F that." It's my fault if you are. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. (Nega, nega, nega..haha) 

Second, I am doing the options on my tumblr. If you want to request one shots you can:) This is the link I'll be writing on----


Thirdly, I am starting a kpop one shot and a Bucky/Captain America/Avengers imagine blog. If you want to request things, I'll love love love you more than I already have. 

These two are mainly the ones I'm on currently.

Kpop--  http://kpop-ones-and-scens.tumblr.com/

Bucky--  http://bucky-imaginings.tumblr.com/

Lastly, I just wanted to say how it amazing you guys are still reading this book. I started it at like 11 with no intentions and the feed back I'm getting is amazing. I love you all and hopefully will see you on tumblr. 

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