Chapter 39

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Edna's POV:

Ted and I were reading our books when the doorbell rang. I went to answer it and saw Faith. "Hey mom!" "Hey baby, come in!" We went into the living room and she showed me the locket. "Where did you this?" "He had it. The jail called and said that he had died and to come and see if he had anything that belonged to me. Then I found this." "Faith, this came with you. The day we brought you home it was in your little bag. We let you have and you never questioned it. You actually had it on the day you disappeared." "Are those my birth parents?" "Yes, your father passed away in a car crash but your mother is still alive. She was so young when she had you." "Do you have her name?" I gave Faith everything that I knew and she left. "Edna you knew this day was going to come." "I know Ted, I just it was would have been a long time ago." It was hard to concentrate after that.

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