Freezing Weather, Issues and Secret Plans

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Annabeth squinted as she read her book. The sunlight pouring from the sides of the blind was not enough to light up the room, so she could barely see the page in front of her. Percy was asleep beside her, and she didn't want to wake him up by turning on a light.

Annabeth's eyes darted away from the book when she felt the body next to her shift. She saw Percy, who was now awake, looking at her funny. "Wisegirl, why are you awake this early?"

"I had another nightmare," she admitted. "Didn't feel like sleeping again."

Percy sat up, looking at her with concern in his eyes. "That's your second bad one tonight. How often do you get them?" She shrugged, not wanted to count the endless night she spent lying awake in bed at her school, too afraid to even imagine sleeping. Being with Percy had been better, but still not great. Percy sighed heavily.

She knew he was worried about her. After the Titan war, they all had their fair share of nightmares, but for some reason, Annabeth got stuck with them every night. She couldn't help but imagine the scene with Luke on Mount Olympus over and over again or seeing him kill himself. The worst ones were when Luke killed Percy. She couldn't handle those.

But she didn't need anyone's pity. This was her battle, one with her mind, and she needed to deal with it alone. She wasn't going to ruin Percy's peaceful sleep because she was making up situations about people dying. It was stupid, irrational.

Percy stood up from the bed, pyjama pants riding low on his waist. Annabeth tried to make it look like she was reading and not looking at him, but she failed miserably. "I know you're watching, Annabeth. Who could keep their eyes off this hotness?" She laughed a little, embarrassed to be caught staring. "Come on," he said, pulling her book away as she whined in response (it was just getting to the bit where everything started to make sense). "I can smell bacon from here."
There sure was bacon. And eggs. And pancakes, waffles, toast, fruit, juice, and yogurt. Apparently, Sally felt guilty about Annabeth having to stay there, and tried to make breakfast as good as possible.

Percy was practically moaning as he ate the food on his plate (which was loaded with about twice the amount of food Annabeth had on hers).

After breakfast, Sally and Paul said they should try to get to Annabeth's dorm to get her clothes.

The roads were completely covered in a thick layer of snow, so it looked like they were walking the five blocks. They decided to all go since they would need to carry Annabeth's things.

Annabeth borrowed one of Sally's jackets and a beanie. When Percy saw her, he pulled her into a hug with a small comment about how adorable she looked.

The team set out into the cold winter, walking in pairs. Annabeth led the way with Percy, and Sally and Paul followed behind (no doubt watching the young couple adoringly).

Percy and Annabeth were holding gloved hands and every now and then Percy would pull their entwined hands up to his lips and blow his warm breath over their fingers. She would meet his eyes, silently thanking him.

It was freezing. By the time they had trudged through three blocks of the snow-covered road, Annabeth felt like an icicle. Percy had put his arm around her, doing everything to keep her warm, but it was still too cold for her liking.

She wouldn't have this problem in California.

If she was with her family now, they would probably be playing in the backyard with Bobby and Mathew under the warm sun. She would do anything for a warm sun now.

"What's going on in that head of yours?" Percy said, tapping her beanie. She glanced up at him, wary about telling him.

"I was just thinking about what I would be doing now if I was in California." Percy's mouth made an 'o' shape, looking slightly disappointed. She didn't mean to bring down the mood and ruin Percy's day.

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