Golddust and Magic

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lice was apprehensive that Friday morning. She was still feeling really shitty about the car, she was still ashamed at herself for how it had happened.
The day before she had to go to the local mall, to make some essential purchases. Whilst there she kept looking for a small gift or gesture to get for Robin, she had to show how sorry she was, but what do you get a man you have not the slightest clue about?

With the gift in hand she made her way to the garage to meet him, praying it would be something he would appreciate, after all that she had done. Alice was hoping he didn't think she was odd for getting him the gift but she had to get something. 

Robin was sat on the steps below a small fountain, he had already dropped the car off and had the invoice in hand ready as planned. He looked up to see Alice emerging from the side road, he waited for her to come closer into view as he got up and waved to catch her eye, Alice waved back smiling with her cheeks turning a lovely shade of scarlett, then they sat down together on the edge of the fountain after making their introductions.

"So here is the Invoice, I can pick my car up later like brand new, they didn't have any issues matching my paintwork or anything, so problem solved" Robin didn't want her feeling any more responsible 

Alice glanced at the invoice and took out an envelope for her bag. She made the total to hand to him as she picked up the wrapped gift, which she had placed at her feed. Robin was already looking at it like an elephant in a room, she didn't want to drag it out much longer.

"I got you this, I know it may seem silly... but I wanted to get something! Just to say I'm super, duper, quadruple sorry for how much of a clumsy idiot I am" she handed the gift over to him

"What?! You didn't need to get me anything, it was an accident and you have paid the damage, you really do feel bad about it don't You?" He started to peel open the paper

"Well I just hope you are going to like it, I think you will, I even got one for myself as I love them back home" she smiled

Robin peeled back the paper to reveal a glass jar containing a scented candle, he looked up at her with a grin.

"Thanks for this Alice! I do actually have these in my apartment. Again there was no need but I really appreciate this" He opened the lid to take in the scent with a big smile on his face, he looked impressed. Alice was thrilled to see him look so happy with her gift.

"I'm so glad you like it, I had to get one for myself when I saw them" 

"That does actually smell like melted marshmallows, you made a really good choice and again you really shouldn't have… but Thanks alot"

It was the Cosy when Camping Candle. On the front it showed a glowing campfire with freshly made Smores.

Robin then gestured to the Coffee and Donut place that was across the road, he needed to get something as he had missed breakfast, after the unexpected gift from her he had to buy her a cup of coffee. Alice was parched herself so she happily wanted to join. After getting their refreshment they went and sat on a small wooden table shaded under the building front. 

During this they both got to know eachother as individuals. Robin got to learn about Alice's company and how she had built it from the ground up, from using only the two thousand pounds her grandfather had left in his will. How Alice's mother had left when she was just a toddler and how her father had left her to bring herself up. Robin could sense the responsibility she felt with the business being all she had. He was highly curious that she had taken it upon herself to attend this trip completely solo, she could have brought a friend to join her for the downtime atleast. Alice had things prepared for the free days she had here and there but had not actually booked anything as maybe the job required her.

Robin then gave her his story, he had travelled most of his life, so was not from the current state that they were seated in.
Due to this he never saw his parents and didn't have any family, but he had made plenty of friends to make up for it. Currently at this time he had managed to find a nice little apartment, which he had settled into rather quicker than he had anticipated. He had secured a steady nine-to-five job that kept everything ticking over nicely, he didn't tell Alice anything more about his work life than that, she could sense the complacency he had for it, she thought it was admirable what he had achieved. Robin was also saving up to go to school, it was a dream he had yet it seemed after explaining more of his background to Alice, that life had always tried to prevent him, resulting in him telling himself it may never happen. 

After several more cup refills and a selection of donuts, the two had come to the time to part ways. Alice was getting her bag and was preparing to leave as Robin went and settled the bill after insisting on it.

He emerged then to say farewell.

"Well Alice, I'm glad I got to meet you after all of this, it's been emotional but most things are in life" Robin gave a cheeky grin

"Yes it was really good to have a chance to get to know someone whilst I'm here as I think I would have just worked my arse off" she only realised then how much it had been all about the work

"Don't you mean you worked your ass off? Remember Alice... when in Rome!" 

"That is a fair point, I have turned a few heads with my accent since I've been here! I need to remember a lift is an elevator, petrol is called gas, potato crisps are chips… oh and a shopping trolley is known as a cart!" 

"Yes we Americans are masters at destroying the English language" 

Alice then gave Robin a hug, to show how much she had enjoyed the outcome of her misdemeanor. He smiled and looked down at her before placing a kiss on the top of her forehead. Alice felt her face starting to glow warm with blush and smirked before ending the embrace

"Thankyou Robin for being such a gentleman about this! I'm really happy to have met you!!"

"Well just make sure you take care of yourself whilst here alone, I mean you can call me if ever stuck or need someone. Yes it was nice to get to know you Alice and also I can say I have a British friend now!"

Robin offered to walk Alice to her car but she declined, as she knew the garage was the other way. Once separated they both kept looking back until one faded from the others view. Robin couldn't stop smiling all day, he had the happiest grin even after collecting the car. Alice felt a little extra spring in her step herself, she completely annihilated all the rival competition in the business deal that afternoon, which she had thought to be near impossible that morning. 

It's strange the little force of energy that was created for both of them that day. You could call even call it magic, the effect two people can have on eachothers lives. The fact that even though they would probably never even meet ever again, both had been imprinted with a beautiful feeling that just swarmed around for hours like gold dust. 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2020 ⏰

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