Between the Death Note

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I'll tell you about my character LaylaAmane! :)

Name: Layla Amane

Age: 17

Sister: Misa Amane

Smartness: (9/10)

arhg you know what!? just read below and find out yourself! *0*


What if there was someone else? Someone else that tried and had fear? but what of this girl mostly had sorrow and anger for the same news all day?

What if she know the real L? Since they were in diapers? We the best of friends?

Then what if she knows who kira truly was and was friends with him since they were in diapers too?

Both need her help in the kira case or simply make sure not to get caught. Having a crush on both of them, but not knowing the real answer she wants and is looking for. She had a past, a dark one, but she once had her hands on a death note. She wanted the same as kira once. But will she want that choice again?

Who shall she help?


Hello! My name is Layla! Layla Amane! Yes, you Probably have heard about my sister, Misa Amane. As you may see I am so not like her! I love her with ally heart and protect her too! I'm a actor, but not very good at posing and getting pictures, like my sister but of course i still have to do it. I'm the oldest. I had a terrible past and including the death note itself. There was a problem though, when the Shinagami left with the death note. I was supposed to not remember anything, but I have all memories...I don't know what is going on...somehow i'm different but why?

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