whats your name

38 1 0

march 12th

chat with a stranger!

you both like
misfits, guitar, comics, emo


user1203: hey

user1516: hi

user1203: asl

user1516: 16 m classified. u?

user1203: 17 m classified.

user1516: thats not your thing thats my thing
user1516: leave my thing alone

user1203: lmao
user1203: so whats your name

user1516: fuck u
user1516: most ppl call me fag

user1203: really

user1516: yeah

user1203: that sucks

user1516: like u care

user1203: like u would know if i did

user1516: what does that mean

user1203: idk

Read 23:18


user 1203: hey
user 1203: i want to know your name

user 1516: y

user 1203: bc i just do

user 1516: well whats yours

user 1203: gerard

user 1516: you sound like a brit

user 1203: well im not
user 1203: im from new jersey
user1203: belleville

user 1516: wait fr
user 1516: im in nj too
user1516: north arlington

user 1203: whoa thats so fucking cool
user 1203: i go to belleville high

user 1516: i go to queen of peace
user1516: the hs not the elementary

user 1203: wait isnt that the catholic school across the river

user 1516: yeah

user 1203: so like ,, why

user 1516: bc my mom is catholic

user 1203: the way you said that makes me think youre not

user 1516: well no shit im a fucking emo fag you think im fucking catholic

user 1203: sorry if i hit a sore spot

user 1516: well i hate this school it fucking sucks

user 1203: mine isnt that great either

user 1516: yeah its prob better than this hellhole

user 1203: if it makes u feel better im a fag too

user 1516: i never said i was a fag i said ppl called me a fag

user 1203: tomayto tomahto
user 1203: and yeah you did

user 1516: stfu

Read 23:31

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