1/ Rumors

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Harleen Quinzel's P.O.V.

"And why do you think you are crazy?" I ask my patient adjusting the glasses that sat on my face.

"JUST LOOK!" He screamed at me. His face held different layers of fear and anger. He ran his fingers threw his blonde hair and took his seat. He had laid in front of me a bunch of suicide notes.

"I don't remember writing them! And they are in my hand writing!" He now had tears streaming down his face.

I shuffled threw the notes, they all had the same death on it...hanging. I picked one up and read it out loud.

"I hung myself. This is to all my love ones... I am sorry, but I could not do it anymore! I don't need to live and you will get over it. Good bye... I love you all." I say a huge frown played on my face. "Jessie you don't...." I did not know what to say. Of course I was a professional, but in some cases I did not know what to say. His green eyes looked at me in my blue eyes. The timer went off. It was time to leave. I got up and clicked the off button on the timer.

"I just recommend you do something you love to make your life more... Happier." I pick up my tan coat and threw it over my shoulders.

"Thank you Dr.Quinzel." Jessie gives me a friendly smile and held out his hand. I gave it a good shake.

He walked out the door and I grabbed my purse flung it on my shoulder. I picked up my phone and told my mom that I was going to go to the store and asked if she needed anything. She told me that she needed some milk. I walk out the door still looking down at my phone.

"Harleen Quinzel?" A female asked, I raised my head to see a brunette with golden brown eyes looking at me.

"Yes?" I put my phone in my pocket staring at her. She walked to me.

"Hi my name is Leah Odell. You can call me Dr.Odell." I shook her hand. "You will go to the Gotham Asylum tomorrow."

I gave her a confused look "Why?" I ask her, my head was tilted a little.

"You are assigned to someone there, don't ask me who because I don't know. All I know is to tell you to be there at 11:00am. Since you don't have Jessie Cages." Dr.Odell said.

"Thank you Dr.Odell." she nodded and I walked away to my car. I was looking at my phone as I walked into the elevator, I bumped into the wall and started to fall back but strong arms cought me.

"Dr.Quinzel you need to be careful." A male voice said I looked up and saw a Bruce Wayne. He had his arms rapped around me.

"Thank you Mr.Wayne." I say.

"Are you going out?" He asked pulling me out of his arms. I simply nodded my head. He hit a button button and the elevator started to go down. We got out to the parking lot. A lot of people started to looked at me and Bruce. I started to fall forward noticing that I tripped over a dang rock. Bruce cought me.... Again. He pulled me towards him and closed the gap between us.

"You need to be more careful Dr." He spoke right next to my ear. I looked and saw people start to take out there cameras taking pictures. A blush spreads across my cheeks. Nothing came out of my mouth.

"OMG THAT'S BRUCE WAYNE AND HARLEEN QUINZEL!" A girl yelled. I heard Bruce let out a chuckle and pulled me away from his soothing warmth.

"I should go before this looks like something its not." I let out a laugh.

"Wouldn't have it any other way." Bruce pulls me close to him again.

"Bruce this is very unprofessional." I gasp.

People start to come and get out of there cars to take pictures.

"Mr.Wayne?" A man got out of a black SUV. "You have to go."

Bruce looked back at me pulling away with a frown on his face. "Coming!" He called out and walked to the black SUV. He got in and I watched him until they drove off. I stood there with my mouth opened in shock.


I walked into my house it was 9:00pm. I was working all day. I dropped my bags on my kitchen floor. I put them all away and made myself some popcorn. I laid on the couch and turned on the news to see what villains were destroying Gotham. It could not be Joker because Batman cought him. But they were not talking about villains...

"Today we got footage of Bruce Wayne and Harleen Quinzel. People say that they are a cute couple, or that they are a couple, oth-" I turn off the TV. Great now Bruce will never talk to me again! I finished the popcorn and put my bowl in the sink. I get a text from a unknown number.

'Sorry about today' unknown

'And this is...?' Harleen

'Bruce.' Unknown

I change his name to Bruce.

'Okay what do you want Mr.Wayne?!' Harleen

'You.' Bruce

My heart stopped beating. At that second I thought I died. I turned my phone off. Than a nother buzz came from my phone. I looked at the text.

'Coffee?' Bruce

'When? I might be busy.' Harleen

'Not tomorrow because I am busy, but the day after, hmm lets say 3:00pm?' Bruce

'Okay.' Harleen

'I'll pick you up.' Bruce

This time when I turned my phone off no buzzes came from it. I changed into a tang top and baggy shorts. I laid in my brown blankets, putting my glasses on the side table. Staring up at the ceiling. I started to wonder what Leah meant. Why was I going to the place were all the really bad criminals went and why was Bruce texting me? My eyes drifted shut, but the only thing was on my mind.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

Word count:1,030

Hard And Crazy Love~Joker × Harleen Quinzel/ Harley Quinn~Where stories live. Discover now