2/ The Talk...

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Harleen Quinzel's P.O.V.

I woke up. I stretched my arms up, letting a loud yawn come from my mouth. I lazily get out of my covers and walking into my bathroom. My phone starts to ring as I walk out of the bathroom. I pick up my phone.

"Yes?" I ask drowsy.

"Yes, Dr.Quinzel, its Dr.Odell. I just found out who you are going to be with at the asylum. It is 'The Clown Prince Of Crime' also know as The Joker. You will be studying him at your therapy moments." Dr,Odell says.

I let out a small sigh than panic rushes threw me "The Prince Of Crime! He is bad! Like really bad! Why me?!" I yell into the phone. I was shaking! My whole body was a shaking mess.

"Well sweetheart there hast to be someone." Dr.Odell said. She sounded... Like she felt bad for me. "Look sweetheart call me Leah."

"Okay." I started to calm. "Look I have to go." I lie, I hang up without waiting for a response. I look in the mirror. I had blonde hair and dark blue eyes. My hair was messy... Stupid bed head!

I take a shower. I come out in blue ripped jeans with a white shirt, some blue nikes. I brush my hair putting it up in a bun. I take my glasses off the side table and put them on. I throw my white doctor coat on. I walk out my door.


I pull up at Leah's house. On my way to get some fast food she told me to come pick her up... That she "needed" to talk. I honk my horn, she comes out in a black shirt, a black jacket over her, blue jeans, and some black nikes. Her brown hair was pulled into a bun and her golden brown eyes had a thin layer of mascara around them. She got into the car with a sigh.

"Finally..." She teases.

"Oh shush!" I let a small laugh out.

I start up the car and drive off.

"So you wanted to talk?" I ask. She looks around and takes a deep breath.

"I-I don't wanna say it here!" Her voice was shaking and she had a deep color of fear on her face. We make it to my house and walk inside.

"So...?" I sit on my grey leather couch. She sits next to me and breaths deep and calm.

"I know I have not known you that long... But..." She started to cry. "I've just met you and I don't wanna lay it on you!"

I put my arm around her. "Leah, what's bothering you?" I ask her my voice was calm and quite.

"He has eyes and ears EVERYWHERE!" The last part she screamed. Her voice was more calm, "I'm just going to show you..." She took off her jacket and then pulled her shirt over her head.

She was wearing a pink bra, but her back... It was more purple than tan! There were bruises everywhere! Scratches, bruises! Her body had a fresh coat of blood on it, so did the back of her jacket. There were some fresh cuts on her back too. Some looked like they were from a... No! Who the hell would hit a girl with a... A w-whip!

"Leah?! WHO THE HELL DID THIS TO YOU?!" I scream my voice cracked and was full of anger. She wiped some tears, but just as quickly as she wiped them more came in there place.

"H-His name is..." She stoped and looked around. "He is apart of a gang, if I tell you he will kill you if he ever finds out that I told you! I don't want you hurt!"

"Leah... I need to know!" I try to calm my voice. My body was shaking with... Fear, anger, and sadness. My emotions were all over the place.

"H-His gang name is MF, it stands for Mikey Feen." She whispered. Her voice was full of fear and regret.

"We are making a plan." I say.

"I don't know..." She hesitates.

"Do you want him to stop?! Do you want justice?!" I yell, I now find my self pasting back and forth in front of the couch.

"Yes of course, but I-" she was about to say more, but I don't let her.

"Then we are making a plan!" I demand, she takes a deep breath and nods.


I walk in to the asylum. It was time to go there to see 'The Clown Prince Of Crime'. Me and Leah made a plan, but lets think about good things. Yay! Okay... How can I think of good things when I am literally a therapist for 'The Clown Prince Of Crime' also my friend is getting abused by a gang leader?! It is to much! Ugh let me just tell you the plan. So what I will dress up all nice and sexy, then I will go to the bar and sneak-

"Dr.Quinzel?" A lady ask cutting off my thoughts. I looked over at her.

"Yes, I'm sorry, just got a lot on my mind that's all." I give a sigh and shrug my shoulders.

The lady with baggy eyes and wrinkles looked about late 60's to early 70's. Then she spoke, "I would to if I was a therapists for him..." She winked at me, ew!

"Well...?" I ask. She looks around.

"Oh yeah sorry! Come with me." She said and we walked down the hall full of metal doors. There was a room with clear white plastic, it was the therapy room. I saw Joker sitting there with a smug smirk on his face. His green hair was slick back and his teeth, they were grill (metal basically). I pulled on my white doctor coat that went to my knees. My coffee in my hand, with a note book and pencil. My blonde hair was pulled into a low ponytail. I had little pearl earrings. Joker was in a straight jacket, but for some reason he looked happy as hell. He's green eyes sparkled like emeralds. I tugged on my jacket and my tag that said 'Dr.Quinzel'. I walked in the room. The green haired psychopath looked at me his smirk widened, if possible.

"Ah I have been expecting you," the metal teeth clown looked down at my name tag then back up at me. "Dr.Quinzel." Then he let out a loud and evil laugh, it was weird.

I would be stupid if I said his laugh was not hot...

A/N: Sorry, it's been a little while since I watched the movie. I wrote this chapter a while back, so I am definitely better at my writing. This story will get better, by chapter three. Let me know where I should take this story, because I really have no idea.

Word count:1,152

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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