a special day

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on a day where it was sunny and the perfect temperature, you felt something beautiful. the smell of the fresh air, tea boiling downstairs, and the tree, billowing through your window with fresh bloomed flowers on the limbs. you smile softly. a long brown dress awaits you, hanging from the closet door. as you put your petticoats and other under-layers on your imagine what the day will bring. you get to your dress and it feels ever so light. you then place on a white corset and tighten it to perfection. you walk downstairs through the hallways filled with paintings and flower pots to find your greatest friend, cooking pancakes in a wonderful green dress. her long brown hair sweeping over her shoulders. a warmth fills your chest. you walk toward her and give her an embrace from behind. you hear her laugh and look up at her beautiful smiling face. you both sit down to eat with glasses of fresh, warm cinnamon tea. afterwards, you throw on coats and walk out in the woods. you find a clearing where there are lavender flowers growing and the grass is up to your knees. you laugh and take off your coat. you take her by the arms, hearing her laugh. you both dance around in the grass. you watch each other with such bliss and you both fall to the ground next to each other. you stare into each other's eyes and lean closer together until your noses are just touching. her lips pull yours in like magnets and they meet inevitably. you sit there for what feels like hours, enjoying each other's embrace and feeling of lips on yours. after what feels like an eternity, you both get up onto your feet, and walk hand in hand to the cottage just outside of the woods, that you share.

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