Its fine

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Andy's POV
*1 week later*
Me and Asher broke up last week. Funny huh. He broke up with me in a text, saying he wasn't ready for commitment. But hey it's fine. Totally fine. Sure he was my first friend. But it's fine. I'll make friends. Hopefully.

My mom has been working nonstop lately so I've been alone but that's fine everything's fine fine fine fine.

Today is Monday, and that means school and I am not ready at all. 0% don't wanna go cause I know Ashers gonna be there.

Wonder how he's doing, no don't think that, do not think that.

" hurry up you're going to get be late!"  My mom yells from the kitchen.

" alright I'm coming." Grabbing the plate of eggs I eat fast and grab my bike keys.



Pulling up to the campus I park in the front. I don't care, fuck him.

"Hey you know-"

"Yeah I don't care." I smile at a stranger that was trying to tell me whose spot that was.

Walking to my locker I see Asher sucking a blondes face, ouch. Oh well it's fine.

"Hey?" I look over to see Jakeb.

"Hey! How are you! Oh my god I miss you!" I hug him and smile.

"I'm great, but you look..."
He pauses but continues.

"Long story, lunch?" I ask and he nods.


"He didnt." Jakeb gasped.

"Yeah so that's how my break went." I laugh and take a sip of my vanilla milkshake.

"Well fuck him, if you want I can set you up on a blind date." He wiggles his eyebrows.

"Sure." I smile only for him to choke on his fry.

"REALLY?!" He yells excitedly.

"Yes yes keep it down though." I shush him and look around.


"Okay so we are going to do chapter assignments, meaning each person will get a chapter and summarize it up to the class. Got it? I will assign partners." Our teacher says and everyone groans.

"Lele and Andrew."

"Patrick and Liam."

"Andy and..." If you fucking say it I will end you.

"Daniel." Holy fuck I almost committed a murder.

"So looks like we are partners." Daniel smirks looking me up and down.

He was cute. Just cute. He had messy blond hair and had that 'I could get any girl if I wanted' aura. He looked about 5'9 with green no hazel eyes.

"Looks like it huh." I chuckle and put my hair behind my ear.

"Wanna meet after school?" He asks.

Before I could answer my phone went off.


Okay love you too.

"Actually not tonight. Sorry." I smile and get up to leave because the bell rung.

"Maybe another time." I turn my head to smile and start to head to my bike.

As I'm walking everyone starts to stay at me. Is Asher going to burst through the door again asking who's bike.

Once I get outside my bike is gone. Wait MY BIKE IS GONE. I know only one person would be this annoying.

"I'm only going to ask once. And once only. Where the fuck is my bike." I tap his shoulder.

"Why don't we talk in private." He smiles and he friends laugh.

"Stop being a little bitch and just tell me." I say with clench teeth.

"I will NOT be talk to like that." He says matching my tone.

"I could give less fucks." I say.

He grabs my upper arm and drags me to the exit. I try my best to stop him but he just keeps walking.

"I miss you." was the first thing he says.

"Really?" I say sweetly and use my puppy dog eyes.

"Yes, but I have to take care of something first baby." He sighs and leans in for a kiss.

"Sarcasm, baby." I push his face away.

"You can not just break up with me through a text the same day you see your ex girlfriend and then ignore me and take my bike! And still expect me to be waiting for you!" I say.

"I'm sorry it's complicated and I'll tell you when it's over baby I promise but just for now wait for me." He bets and I shake my head.

"I need my bike, I have to go home." I say looking away.

"I'll drive you, your bike had a flat tour so I had someone take it to my house for it to get repaired." He said grabbing my hand.

"No! It's fine. I have a date." I say the last parts quietly.

"You have a what?" He stops and looks me dead in the eyes.

"A date..." I said lowering my head.

"No." He continues to walk.

"What do you mean no? Last time I checked, I'm not in a relationship. AND I SAW YOU KISSING A BLONDE IN THE HALLWAY." I say ripping my hand away.

"You need to understand I have to do something first. Sadly she's part of it. Just give me a week. We are still together just no labels right now." He grabs my hand and pulls me into a hug.

"Trust me, i want to be with you so bad. I just can't right now. And ill explain in a week." He kiss the top of my head.

Should I trust him? I mean I still love him.


Should andy give him a chance?
Who was her date anyway?
Holy shit jakebs going to kill her.
What is asher in?
Stay tuned for more shitty writing by me:)
Insta: _just_kyster_

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