Chapter 9

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Barry, Owen, Maya and a few InGen agents were now crouching down behind a fallen tree. Owen, Barry and the InGen agents were all aiming their guns at, what Maya learned was the Indominus Rex, that the raptors had found. Suddenly, it seemed like the five dinosaurs were beginning to communicate with each other.

"Something's wrong, they're communicating." Barry said, voicing the obvious.

"Now I understand why they wouldn't tell us what the Indominus Rex is made of." Owen says.

"Why?" Maya asks him, now in her human form.

"Because, that thing is part raptor." he says.

Just as he said that, the Velociraptors turned to face them and were growling in a threatening way.

"Engage!" one of the InGen agents shouted.

The InGen agents all began to fire at the Indominus Rex. Maya watched in horror as the agents were attacked by the Velociraptor pack and the genetically designed dinosaur. When everyone began to retreat, Maya stuck by Owen's side as they ran through the jungle habitat. Then, Maya and Owen came face to face with Charlie. Owen looked at his raptor, in disappointment when Maya suddenly rushed forward to push Charlie backwards. A missile came out of nowhere and exploded once it hit the ground, causing Owen to briefly lose sight of Maya.

"Maya!" he called the girl's name out in a frantic tone.

He began to search for the girl before finding her laying on the ground, unconscious.

"C'mon girly, get up...please. Your aunt will kill me if you're dead." he tells her.

He noticed that she was banged up a little until the wounds healed and disappeared. Maya groaned as she regained consciousness before pushing herself up off the ground.

"I'm not dead. Is Charlie?" she asks him.

Owen took a moment to look for said velociraptor before seeing her a few meters away.

"No, she's alive too. I can't believe you risked your life for hers." he said in disbelief.

"Well, I know how much your raptors mean to you...Raptor Boy." she tells him.

Owen chuckles at the nickname before becoming serious as he looked at her.

"Yeah well, you mean a lot to me too. So, don't you ever dare do something like that again." he tells her, using his Alpha voice at the end.

Maya blushed softly when Owen confessed his feelings to her.

"You mean a lot to me too. But, no promises." she tells him.

Owen only shook his head.

"Come on. I saw Echo and Delta head back towards the paddock and under the orders of the Indominus Rex, they could be going after your brothers and Claire." he tells her.

Maya nodded before getting on Owen's motorcycle behind him when he mounted the bike. He rode out of the jungle and out onto the road, just as Echo had been shocked off the back of the vehicle that Claire was driving. Zach and Gray called out their names in excitement, waving before Owen drove around the side of the vehicle, looking up at Claire before getting in front of her to lead the way back to the park.

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