‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾Chapter 3☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

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    ➹   Place: Demonic Realm,
Lucifer's Throne  ➷

   You and your friend Wooyoung were currently walking with the demon you had met hours ago, San. He claimed that his father had information on your mother. You were curious. You've never met her. How could you possibly decline?

The demonic realm was the complete opposite of what you had expected. It wasn't full of fire, dead bodies, and skeletons. In fact, it was quite peaceful.
Everyone seemed to have  a place and a job. It was completely different from the Angelic Realm, but then again, it wasn't so different.

You didn't know why, but a part of you felt right to be here. You look over to Wooyoung to see if he felt the same way. The worried look on his face and how close he was standing to you proved that he didn't feel the same.

After about fifteen minutes of walking, you finally arrived at Lucifer's throne. San steps forward to him. "Father. The Archangel sent his daughter, as you had hoped." he said gesturing to you. Lucifer's eyes landed on you and he stood in his chair.

"Come here child. We have much to talk about. Do not worry, I will not hurt you. You could say that you're family here." he held his hand out to you. You take his hand and walk alongside him. He takes you to what you think of is his house.

"Have a seat. Would you like coffee or tea?" he asked walking into the kitchen. "Hmm. Coffee please." you replied taking a seat on the couch. It's not long until he brings you a cup of coffee and sits beside you.

You sip from your coffee slowly as Lucifer looks at you. He slowly opens his mouth. "Laila, how much has your father told you of your mother?" he asked.

"He has told me nothing of her. I have asked him about her all my life, but he refuses to answer my questions." you explain. Lucifer hums before continuing.

"Well.. There's a good reason he wouldn't tell you. You must also be wondering why one of your wings are black when the other is white. You see, years ago, Michael was having an affair. However it was no normal affair. His partner was a demon. And there were complications when she became pregnant with his child. I forced her to leave the child with Michael upon it's birth. Once she returned, she was locked down. However with Michael being an  Archangel, there was not much I could do." Lucifer explains.

You're taken by surprise. You're half demon? That would explain your wings, and why everyone avoids you. You let all the thoughts race through your head. You're silent for a while before looking at Lucifer.

"I want to see her. My mother." you say. Lucifer thinks for a bit before nodding. "Very well. I brought you here to give you answers after all." he said. He leaves for a minute the  comes back with some keys. "Let's go."

You follow behind him as he takes you to the prison. There aren't many there, but it wasn't empty. He brings you to a room with a steel door and unlocks it. The room is dimly lit and there's a woman in the corner hugging her knees.

She looks up as the door opens and the two of you walk in. She looks at you in confusion them at Lucifer. "Who is she? What have you come here for?" she said weakly. "This is Laila. We came here to answer her questions." Lucifer explains. The woman looks confused.

"And what does that have to do with me exactly?" she asked. "Well you see, Laila is your daughter. The child you had with Michael." Lucifer said. You look at the woman as her face lit up instantly.

She gets up and hugs you tightly. You hug her back, welcoming her warmth. Your heart fills with warmth and you feel as if butterflies were leaving kisses all over you. You feel tears fall from your cheek.

"I'll let the two of you have some time to get to know each other." Lucifer said as he left. When he's gone, your mom pulls away from the hug.

"Well I'm sure you have many questions. Let me start by saying this. My name is Lilith." she said. You nodded your head and wiped your tears away. "Now them, ask all the questions you want." she finished.

You thought for a second before opening your wings. "Well.. Why exactly are my wings different colors?" you asked. She takes a second to study your wings before opening her own.

"Look closely. Your black wing looks exactly like mine. That's the demon part of you. That seems to be the only noticeable thing that demonic about you. But I bet Michael played it off as a curse or something. A birthmark maybe." she scoffed.

You look at her confused. "Lucifer said that the two of you were in love. Why do you seem like you hate him now?" you asked. Lilith is quiet before answering.

"Yes. I did love him. That is until he took my child from me and had me locked away." she said. You sigh. "I'm glad I met you." you said. She smiles. "I'm glad to be able to see you again after all these years."

The two of you talk for a while longer before you leave. You walk back to where you first met Lucifer while following San. They were both there along with Wooyoung.

As your eyes land on Lucifer, you break into a run and hug him tightly. You take everyone by surprise at your sudden actions. To your own surprise, Lucifer hugs you back.

"Thank you so much Lucifer." you said. "You're welcome sweet heart. Someone had to answer your questions." he said as he pat your hair.

"The two of you can stay here for as long as your want." Lucifer said. You nod your head. "San. Show them their room." he ordered. The boy nods his head. "Follow me."

You grab Wooyoung's hand and follow behind San. Your fingers intertwine with Wooyoung's as you walk. Not long you arrive at Lucifer's house again. San leads the two of you inside and to another hallway. San points at one room. "This is my room." he instructed. He then walked a little further and opened the door to another room. "This is where the two of you will be staying." he said.

You look into the room. There's a large bed in the middle of the room and the decorations are amazing. There are many books on the bookshelf and a large window over to the side. You and Wooyoung exchange glances.

"So I guess we will have to share the bed." you say which makes Wooyoung's cheeks turn pink. "It would seem so. That shouldn't be a problem." he replied. You turn to San.

"Thank you San. You can go now. We should get some sleep." you say. He nods and leaves and you shut the door behind him. Once the door shuts, Zerv gets off of your neck and takes his normal form. Wooyoung walks over to the window and Tezat flies in. She walks over and nudges Zerv.

You smile at the two as they lay down together. You walk over to the bed and lay down next to Wooyoung. You feel his arms wrap around you so you snuggle up to him and fall asleep with your head on his chest.

The Son Of Lucifer »»--⍟--«« Ateez San Angel x Demon FanficWhere stories live. Discover now