Chapter 2

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It was dark. For a long time all Boruto could feel is darkness. But someone beside him stirred. Feeling someone the memory of earlier event came to him like lightning. That's right he and Sasuke san is now in his father's memory. He cracked his eyes open and the first thing he saw was Sasuke. After seeing Boruto open his eyes he sighed, for a moment he was worried there.
Seeing the Uchiha, Boruto asked, "where are we?"
"I don't know. Most probably in some memory of Naruto," Sasuke replied.
After that they got up and started to check the place. It was a hut kind of place with dim light. Not knowing what to do they decided to wait as Sasuke didn't recognized the place.

Suddenly there was a scream. They followed the scream to come to a room shrouded with candle light. In the middle of the room there was a table and a woman with deep scarlet hair on the table with her leg spread. And another woman with brown hair standing there inspecting something between the first woman's leg. And there was a blonde man with blue eyes similar to Naruto standing beside the red haired woman holding her hand with a panicked expression. Then again came that high pitched scream. Boruto seeing the scene playing panicked and thought they were hurting the woman when he tried to do something Sasuke stopped him as he knew what was going on. He was at that man's position before when Sakura gave birth to Sarada. And he recognized the bolnde man it was the fourth hokage Namikaze Minato, Naruto's father. That must mean the red haired woman was Naruto's mother Uzumaki Kushina. So this was the time of Naruto's birth.
Being stopped by Sasuke, Boruto looked at him questioningly. He asked, "why did you stop me Sasuke san? "
As no one noticed them or hear them when Boruto talked Sasuke realized that they can't see or hear them or they can't do anything to them. They are simply seeing these memories. Then he looked at Boruto and said, "its okay they are not hurting her."
"Then what are they doing?" Boruto asked confused.
"She is giving birth," he paused contemplating his next word " to your father."
"That means she is my grandmom," Boruto stated.
"Uzumaki Kushina and that's your grandfather the fourth hokage Namikaze Minato," Sasuke replied.
The screaming started to increase so they decided to just watch and talk later.

Kushina screamed with all her might crushing her husbands hand that was supporting her in the process. It was worse than any pain she ever felt. She started cursing. It was too overwhelming for Minato. Seeing this Sasuke and Boruto both felt pity for the blonde hokage. But he seem to ignore that pain and continued to say sweet comforting word in his wife's ear and kept petting her head. It melted Boruto's heart seeing this sweet display. Suddenly there was a baby's crying after a loud scream from Kushina. And it looked like she is more relaxed now as the other lady started to wrap a baby in towel. Both Sasuke and Boruto immediately recognized the baby, it was Naruto. With blonde hair and three whisker marks in both of his cheek. He looked adorable. The lady congratulated Minato saying it was a boy when Minato came forward to carry the baby the lady glared at him saying the mother got to see first. Being glared and rejected Minato pouted. Seeing this both future shinobi shared a chuckle. There it was the legendary yellow flash of konoha was pouting in front of them, it was a sight to see. the lady took the crying baby in front of Kushina and held out for her to see."Naruto.." Kushina said with so much love that it almost made Boruto cry. 

"It's nice to finally meet you." she said this time while a tear rolled down from her face. Sasuke felt weird seeing so much love in Kushina's face. He couldn't help but think how would Naruto's life be if they were alive. After that the lady told Minato to strengthen Kushina's seal that was weakening. This was the first time Sasuke heard about Naruto's mother being the jinchuriki.
That lady proceeded to go outside of the room with baby Naruto leaving the couple.

Minato looked at Kushina very affectionately and with unsheathe tear he said "thank you...for making me Naruto's father." Right after he said that the lady who was holding Naruto dropped screaming behind them. Minato immediately searched for Naruto but he wasn't there. Suddenly a masked man appeared from thin air holding Naruto.

Seeing the man Sasuke growled and Boruto wanted to do something for his dad but he couldn't because it was all a memory he can't touch anything this time tears roll down from his eyes.
"Step away from the jinchuriki or the life of this boy will only last a minute" the masked man threatened Minato, Kushina screamed from pain the weakening seal was causing her.
"Step away from the jinchuriki, dont you care what happens to the brat" the masked man yelled.
"Wait..calm down..." yelled Minato.

"I am calm. You are the one who needs to calm down," The masked man yelled and threw Naruto in the air. This time Kushina and Boruto both screamed "Naruto/dad." but Boruto's scream was unheard. and in a instance Minato was there catching Naruto midair and disappearing immediately and the scene changed to a forest with a hut in which Minato landed and threw the towel and ran out quickly, the hut exploded behind him. He cradled the now crying Naruto saying "i am glad Naruto is fine. It looks like his main target is Kushina." and took out the wood that has pierced his legs during his landing after that he disappeared again and the scene changed and now they were standing in a room with cribs that was obviously for Naruto and fully furnished. Minato laid Naruto in the crib tucking him in and saying sweet noting in his ear that seemed to work and Naruto stopped crying. After he disappeared again. Boruto was shocked. He didn't know his father's birth was this eventful. Before he could think more Minato appeared again carrying a worn out Kushina in his hand. He laid Kushina beside Naruto and Kushina hugged Naruto painfully shedding some tear she said "thank you Minato." But Minato didn't reply and he walked in front of the closet and flunged it open, he took out his hokage cloak and put it on. This time Boruto was truly shocked. He was leaving the newborn and his injured wife. He looked at Sasuke's face he was gritting his teeth and clenching his hand. Seeing this he reached for his Master's hand and grabed it. Sasuke relaxed his hand and held Boruto's hand still looking at Minato. Said man wore his cloak greacefully and said, "I'll be back." and disappeared. "be safe" said Kushina to the empty room. And after that she fell asleep hugging a sleeping Naruto to her chest.

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