(eight) in the blood

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"My father once told me of a man

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"My father once told me of a man. This man was the king of a small kingdom. It was very small, indeed, very small and humble but this man and his people were kind and brave. And there was another man who ruled a magnificent kingdom of mountains and a big, empty sky, but he had not the heart of a king." He moves straight to stand directly in front of the Captain of his Guard.

"And there was a woman, Sabine, the daughter of Reynes. These two men fought over Sabine like dogs over a bone."

"Is there an end to this story?" Astrid wonders aloud.

Kyan turns and circles around Astrid, who kneels in the middle of the throne room. "They were brothers these men, these kings. George was greedy and envious. She chose George, but her love for him proved tenuous. He was a trifling man. He was cruel, physically and verbally. Bartholomew, hearing of Sabine's treatment, traveled to his brother's court and whisked her away. Bartholomew sailed home to the Summer Country with his new bride, an act which was considered abduction regardless of Sabine's complicity.

"You see... Helena was a princess born of lies and betrayal. And Leta was born of blood and betrayal, and every bit as doomed to be hated."

"I won't tell you where she is. I won't help you."

"You don't have to." He shrugs. "Killing you would send your sister a message. Unfortunately, my wife insists on keeping you alive. Stand." He turns, looks at Roslyn. She looks away. "So we'll have to send your sister a message some other way. Echo."

Echo, ever dutiful, steps forward and strikes her clean across the face with an armored hand. She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, smearing it with blood. He strikes Astrid once more and then in the back of the legs with the flat of his sword, causing her to fall down. He rips open the back of her gown, leaving her half-naked from the waist up.

As the beating continues, the court watches. There are gasps and murmurs, and despite the room being filled with dozens of knights and officials and locals, no one intervenes out of fear of Kyan's wrath.

Until the door swings open and Prince Gale enters. As Astrid attempts to cover herself and Echo stands over her shaking body, Gale rushes over and pulls him away. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?"

'We're sending our enemy a message."

"I find that hard to believe. You want to start a war before there's even a war."

"We must think in the now, brother." He approaches his brother, gripping him by his shoulders. "Everyone is our enemy. We cannot afford to be surprised. Or devastated."

"You are a king. A leader. Be that. Both of you." Gale rips the cloak off the shoulders of the nearest knight, Ser Gareth, and drapes the cloth over Astrid's shoulders. "Ser Gareth, please escort Lady Astrid back to her chambers."

The auburn-haired girl, shivering, tries her best to hide her tears in front of Gale. He gapes at her tear-stained cheeks, her bloodied lip, the small bruise already forming on her cheek. He drops his hands down by his side, taking a step forward. Astrid is quivering, cowering at the sight of another human being, let alone a man.

She takes a step back when Gale takes a second pace towards her. She's embarrassed, perhaps, that someone has to see her like this, fearful and weak.

She waits for him to say something. "Lady Astrid." He steps aside and gestures for her to follow Ser Gareth. But Astrid does not move, believing this to be Kyan's next horrible prank on her. He makes the impression to take another stride towards her, but he doesn't. She doesn't want my comfort, he tells himself. "You're under my protection now." He turns back to Ser Gareth, adding: "And make sure Matilda tends to her injuries, not Rowan."

Ser Gareth nods, and Gale watches the older knight escort her out of the throne room. He glances at his brother once more and then, in the midst of murmurs, leaves as well. 

At the first mention of a strong-willed, determined woman who is presuming to have a claim to try to rule the kingdom, there will be a frenzy of offended male pride

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At the first mention of a strong-willed, determined woman who is presuming to have a claim to try to rule the kingdom, there will be a frenzy of offended male pride.

"Everyone believed your father when he said that all he wanted was to teach the young prince how to rule, and free him from the command of his wife: another strong-minded woman, another bad queen that would curse England if the men gave way to another female ruler."

"He wants a declaration of war."

"He believes she is our enemy," Roslyn says reasonably. "She wants to wear our crown. She wants to take our place."

"What do you believe?"

"I think paranoia runs high in times of war." She sighs, resting on a bench. "You have a kind heart, Gale. You want to see the good in people." She looks up at her brother-in-law, still standing and looking around, avoiding her gaze. "You want to see her. Go. I won't stop you."


Matilda is a kind woman but lost the ability to speak by a childhood accident. There are only two ways she can communicate with people: with her hands, or on paper. And so, as she tends to Astrid, she waves her hands and fingers in different motions, signing each action as best she can. It's a slow process, but both women are patient with each other.

After she finishes, there's a knock on the door and Astrid stares at it, heart beating loudly, waiting for it to open. Matilda starts for the door to open it but Astrid reaches for the old woman's hand, who glances back. Astrid shakes her head. "Please," she mouths.

Gale backs away from the door when he hears heels clogging on the floor towards him, and the door opens to reveal the weathered face of Matilda. "How is she?"

She nods, eyes fluttering shut. Prince Gale hesitates, searching for what to say. He realizes, however, he's made a mistake. He's too eager. Ros is right, he thinks, and he begins to doubt his good intentions. "Forgive me," he finally says. "I'm sorry for disturbing you. Let me know if you or Lady Astrid require anything."

Astrid is grateful. Matilda had shown her kindness in a dark and dreary place. She smiles, and Matilda smiles back. 

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