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So I don't know why I feel like shit right now I have a wonderful girlfriend my friends are amazing but. I still fell like I'm some. Scum or   just a grain of sand on the desert I just feel like I'm nothing even when I have multiple people telling me i'm a good person I fell like I'm just a burdurn I'm clingy and I don't matter I'm just and ugly rat in room full of models I just want to get rid of the burden I call myself. I mean my dad isn't the best person I mean he littary sent me back to my mums because I wasn't speaking a lot I just don't want to be a burden I'm a stupid ugly crybaby Im just not worthy of this world anymore I should just go away not talk to anyone and maybe just maybe they will all forget about me  move on with there  lives  wile I  would be happy becase they forgot all about lil old useless me I Realy am a burden arnt I Realy needed to get this out of my system without being told that I'm just lying so if you Realy do care  then  why I am so useless for anything i can't do anything I just don't feel myself that much anymore I don't feel any satisfaction in things I do  I Realy try to be useful but I'm not

If you actuly read all of my crap then I would ask you why just why I am nothing I don't deserve everything I have

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