Chapter One

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     Izuku Midoriya, fourteen years old, an omega, and that would've all been okay if it wasn't for one thing, him lacking a quirk. At age four most quirks begin to surface but unfortunately his did not. After discovering he was indeed quirkless, it hurt him. Worse than the other kids did. Sure there were other kids who were Omegas but they all had quirks. And the one person he looked up to the most, such an amazing quirk, such a status, an Alpha. Katsuki Bakugo, but to Izuku he was Kacchan. And to Bakugo Izuku was Deku.. To Bakugo, Deku meant useless, one who can't achieve anything, and that's how it began to be.


     Middle School was hellish for the poor Omega. Bakugo had managed to make his life a living nightmare, but he kept pushing through it, just to reach U.A. He knows it will be hard for him to get in without a quirk, but he might manage it with his grades, maybe he can take the Support class instead. He was managing, but it would be difficult to get in due to the money issues he and his mother were having. His mother is a lovely Beta who mated with an Alpha, only for the Aloha to leave once he found out his son was Quirkless, and an Omega on top of that. Now not many kids knew about that, only Bakugo and a few of the Alpha's buddies. But now that final exams are over, he can finally get out of his pathetic middle school and hopefully away from most of these people.

     Everything seemed like smooth sailing. Izuku had been managing to see a brighter side to it all, to the fact he blamed himself for his mother being alone, down to the fact that Kacchan hates him. He was managing to forget the tug at his heart as his Omega whined every time he smelled the scent of fresh burning wood with caramel. He was managing to stay on the surface of it all.

     That was until Bakugo's insults had reached a new level, something he was never expecting. The words keep replaying in his mind as he sits in his cluttered room in the nest on his bed, just staring at his wall. "If you believe they're holding your quirk over in the next world... You should just dive off the rooftop!! If you wanna be a hero so bad there's actually a really good way..."

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