Chapter Three

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Hey beautiful people, Author here. It's been a while, hasn't it? I was in NYC (in the greatest city in the world) for spring break and I got to see HAMILTON. Soooooo cool. Thayne Jasperson was still in the cast, we love OG Samuel Seabury. Anyway, here's the chapter.

Katherine lay on the floor in the basement of the Refuge, staring at the ceiling. At this point, she was numb. Intense pain radiated from her back where Snyder had hit her with his belt, her favorite blouse was ripped and soaked with blood, and she was scared out of her mind. Scared that Snyder would go too far and accidentally kill her. Scared that Snyder would go too far and purposefully kill her.
Scared that her father would never find her, or worse, find her and leave her there. But most of all, she was scared for Jack. She had seen him wake up screaming from nightmares about this place,and she knew that if he found out she was here it would tear him apart. So while she hoped he would come rescue her, it was more likely that if he did he would be locked up too. Katherine knew that Jack would offer himself up in exchange for her freedom in a heartbeat, but who knows what more time in the Refuge would do to Jack.


Specs found Jack in the alleyway. He had been a little late coming back from selling and returned to the Lodging House to find a sobbing Jack. When Specs brought Jack inside, he was immediately surrounded by worried newsies, all demanding to know what happened. As Jack told them what Morris said, the newsies all grew quiet. They were all fond of Katherine, as she was the one who got them in the papers, and had somehow managed to keep Jack from running off to Santa Fe. When Jack's story was finished, the unusually quiet group of newsboys quickly evolved into a mess of dirty boys yelling ideas. There were logical ones, like sending a couple boys to go let Pulitzer know so he could come back to Manhattan to help (Davey), and there were not so logical ones, like forcing Snyder to come out and confront the boys by attacking him with Albert's dirty socks (Race). Finally, Crutchie was the one to come up with the perfect idea. Logical enough that it might work, but crazy enough to make it obvious that a bunch of teenage boys came up with it. A plan was slowly formed. Race would head over to Brooklyn to get Spot Conlon, as they would need his help and Race hung around him a lot for some reason (Sprace😏). Albert, Specs, Elmer, and JoJo would cause a distraction outside the Refuge, while Jack, Davey, Race, and Spot would sneak in and find Katherine. Crutchie would stay at the Lodging House with Les, because if someone didn't babysit him Les would run straight into the middle of the fight and end up soaked. That would make Davey freak out, and no one wants that. The newsies of Manhattan had a plan, and they were going to get their reporter back, once and for all.

Wow, that wasn't awful. I'll probably do another one, but I'm not sure when. I really don't have a publishing schedule.
Keeping on smiling and keep on surviving, you can do this!
Don't forget to comment, constructive criticism is appreciated.
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