1 - Parker

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"PARKER, ARE YOU GOING TO be in your bedroom all weekend?" asked his eighteen year old sister, Autumn.

Parker didn't even glance up from his video game, or even question why in the world one of his siblings was in his room. Parker just didn't care. He stopped caring about lots of things years ago. So, yes, he will be in his bedroom the entire weekend. But he couldn't even bring himself to verbally respond, so he simply grunted, his eyes glued to the screen.

Autumn crossed her arms, as Parker killed a zombie in his video game. Parker has been in the same position for hours, which Autumn apparently took notice of.

Parker didn't even register when Autumn turned the TV off. "Zach wants you outside, living your life," she says. "Why are you so anti social? You used to be so lively."

Parker let Autumn talk, because he was too busy glaring at her for interrupting his game.

"Autumn, go away," Parker groaned.

He didn't really care what Zach, their twenty-four year old brother, wants. It's not like he'll notice what Parker is doing, not with so many younger siblings to look after. Brandon excepted, of course, since he moved out the first chance he got.

"No," Autumn said. "For five years, you've been wasting your life away. Ever since Em—-"

Parker abruptly stood up. "Fine. I'm going, just don't bring h— that up. Ever."

Autumn blinked, staring at her brother. She didn't say anything more as Parker went out the door.

Parker bypassed his seven year old siblings, Jason and James, chasing each other in circles. He ignored Elliot his ten year old brother, messing with Megan, his eleven year old sister. He didn't even see Zach or Andrew, Parker's four year old nephew and Bella, his one year old niece.

"When will Emma come home?"

Parker stopped, abruptly and turned to see Jason and James had stopped their antics and were looking up at Parker with hopeful expressions. Parker wasn't sure which of them had asked the question, but it was clear they both wanted an answer.

The twins have only ever heard of Emma, not about what she's done or why she's not with them. The twins were only two when... certain events took place. Parker wanted to tell them the truth, but either Zach or Autumn will knock some "sense" into him, as if Jason and James didn't have a right to know. Sure, they're seven, but it's better to find out now, not when they're older. It'll only hurt worst.

"Soon," Parker answered, ruffling Jason's head, his eyes filtering between the two boys. But he felt like such a liar. There's no way Emma will ever come home. Even if she's released, Parker won't allow it. Neither Zach or Autumn will either, they're not that blind to realize how dangerous that could be.

Autumn came out of Parker's room finally, and saw Parker talking to James and Jason. Time to go, Parker thought. He didn't want Autumn scolding him for still not being outside. He gave his sister a "peace out" sign, and went out the front door without a second thought.

As soon as he walked off his lawn, almost immediately he crashed into someone. He fell to his butt, and when he did, he realized the person also fell.

Parker blinked upon seeing the person, the person who's a girl. A girl that goes to his school. But not one of those popular fashionable kind of girls, because this isn't a cliche.

Willow Stonehart.

She's definitely not one of those girls that always somehow fall in love with the average nobody. This girl is completely goth, only wearing black and dark red, with designs such as skulls and blood. Currently her shirt said, "I'll kill you if you talk to me." Her long, straight black hair, fell to her shoulders and her crystal blue eyes were surrounded by silver eye shadow. Her lips were a bright red. And she wore boots that looked heavy and clunky.

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