13. Emotions | جذبات

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The dusk was setting beautifully

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The dusk was setting beautifully.

My eyes kept examining the numbers in front of me. The more time which passed, the more Sameer and Aymah will get the best of me. The top of my finger was about to click the screen to call Zairaah when Sameer stopped me.

"Wait! Wait! Call Rasha!" I gazed at him a little confused. I wouldn't want to talk with my fiancée when she'd be in the room. "Can I ask why?"

"You can't," I pressed the alarm, walking towards him in a slow pace, I sat in the couch, unbuttoning my coats' button. I took in a deep breath. I got Zairaah's number from Zohaib. As much as I showed myself confined to talk with her, I was growing nervous. More than just nervous, my hands were slowly turning cold as I switched off the air conditioner.

"Yes sir?"

Sameer started without thinking twice as soon as Rasha entered, "Rasha, here's the address of the constructions corporation. Send fresh roses bouquet to Zairaah Khan's office and add a note that it's from Ahad Malik."

She glanced at me before she continued, a little hesitant to speak, "But sir, the corporation is in India."

"Ask one of our Pakistani citizens who lives there. Off course we have many sources. There are many," with the confidence Sameer had in everything he did, I was sure he would extend his fame to a point were it would be undeniable.

"Don't worry, sir. That'll be quick."

Great! We have greatest employees, especially assistants who work for other bosses. Even though Rasha was hesitant, I knew she had sources to send the flowers but I wonder why she told that she won't be able to. "Make sure it reaches before 8."

"Sending in ten minutes right away."

"This would be so cringe. She would laugh at me, amused at my actions," I spoke sighing. My breath was slowly turning uneven. I was turning nervous for the first time in my life.

"She'd feel comfortable with it."

"Where would she feel comfortable about it?"

"It will give her a hope that you'll keep her safe. Off course, she'd be scared, Ahad. She will have to fly to this country and you know how our media status is in India. Any person would feel a little hesitant."

"Flowers isn't the antibiotic for the infection our countries have in between," the bitter truth, the bitter reality, the bitter pain that we all lived with. The conflicts that we will have in future would be no less to the relationship Pakistan and India shares. "Doesn't matter. At least it's not poison."

"It's on the way, sir!"

Quicker than my tasks!

I closed my eyes in a little dismay, J hadn't expected it to be so soon but if it's Rasha's task, she'd do anything to complete it. Rasha dispersed herself out of the room as Sameer stared at me without saying anything. He didn't needed to."Go on..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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