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A week passed with no changes in Jisung's scenery and his mood. Everything stayed as it was. Silent. Jisung didn't like the silence at all. In fact, Over the time given it became his mortal enemy. It was only going to be so long before he snaps and tries to break out. 

This silence that filled his everyday made his thoughts become the only thing he could hear. Jisung couldn't remember the last time he saw sunshine. All he did was sit on the bed he had grown to call his own, and just think.

That was what his week consisted of. Endless guilt piling up in his head to which Jisung started to believe was reality. He hadn't seen Jae or Eunha in that time either. 

Did they too forget about Jisung and leave him in the dust to just become one of his old friends? 

He missed his old life. Although he didn't receive much attention and not many people wanted to give him the joy of it, He still missed it. Jisung only realized it that week. He could never go back to being normal. His days of when he woke up, went to school, listened to his classmates weekends, went home and did his homework just to go to sleep and repeat it all the next day was gone. And all for what? His true self. A myth. A legend.

Time just seemed to drag on. Sometimes in Jisung's mind he could almost feel like he was back in the classroom with his hoodie over his head and his black mask on so no one could really see his face and the cheerful boy Jeongin sitting beside him just listening in the class while Jisung slept. But he could only feel that relaxing sensation when he closed his eyes. 

How did he even get here was a thought that he wished he couldn't have. He wanted to forget the thought but his mind wouldn't let him. 

This whole week. The time. The silence Jisung had to himself. He could feel deep down,

It was starting to kill him.


"How long are you going to keep him in isolation?" Jae groaned. Wonpil who sat beside the frustrated boy put a hand on his shoulder to tell him to calm down. 

Jae, Younghyun, Dowwon, Wonpil, Sungjin and Eunha sat and watched their leader. He sat in silence and held his hands together. He sighed. "He's doing it to himself Jae" Namjoon said. 

Jae furrowed his eyebrows. "But Joon! He's seriously gonna lose it! You don't get his powers! Kon-"

"THAT'S EXACTLY WHY HE'S STILL THERE!" Namjoon shouted. "Sir, In Jae's case, It's kinda worrying. We've all lasted about three days before we found a way out....Why is he..."

"His mind is stopping him." Namjoon said more calmly. "I can sense his power through the metal door as I walk by" He continued. Everyone was eager to know what Namjoon ought to say. "That kid's mind and heart stop what he's capable of....Which is probably a good thing for the most part"  Namjoon laughed a little. "It'll only be before long when he completely loses it and gets his own way out"

It was a sick thing Namjoon did to his fellow members. He locked them up in a soundproof room and waited till they went insane. If they didn't find a way out. They simply killed themselves from the torture. 

Namjoon left and Jae sighed. "Why are you so worried anyways Jae?" Dowoon asked. Jae looked at him and shrugged. "He'll be fine....." Jae trailed off. Eunha glanced at her brother and left. 

"He'll be fine...." Jae said quietly. 


Eunha crept into the security room to see if she could find Jisung's room and see how he was doing. Eunha didn't look or sound like a person who cared a lot but when she did you'd know it was for something serious. 

Eunha scanned over all the camera's in search for one boy in particular. After starring at her idiotic brother trying to do a handstand and flinching when he fell onto his ass Eunha finally saw one camera turned off. 

She quickly found the button to turn it on and once the camera turned on she froze. Her hand stayed tightly on the mouse from the computer and she just starred in confusion at the boy on the camera.

Jisung just sat there on the floor, clutching his pillow and starring at a wall. He had his knees against his chest but because of the pillow he clung onto they weren't really against his chest. Eunha felt a shiver go through her body. And she didn't like it. She wasn't stupid. She could clearly see something wasn't right with Jisung. But what was there she could do? She'd only get into trouble with Namjoon and because of that threat she couldn't do anything but only hope Jisung knew there was a way out. 

Only the smartest survived. That being Eunha, Jae, Wonpil, Sungjin, Younghyun, Dowoon and others that were out in other hideouts. Eunha could tell from when she met Jisung that the kid was smart. She knew he had the potential but if Jisung didn't snap out of whatever trance he was in it would be over for him.

Eunha watched the boy rocking back and forward. It was just like a gif. Nothing different happened. It was only a certain thing moving the same way over and over. 

That was until Jisung stopped rocking. Eunha took a step back. Why did Jisung stop? Suddenly Eunha's eyes widened as Jisung shot a glare right into the camera.

Eunha covered her mouth trying not to let out a gasp. She felt like she was being watched. But by who?

"Ah, There's the power" 

Eunha turned her head behind her and saw Namjoon standing there. She jumped. 

"N-Namjoon-" Eunha stuttered from shock. Namjoon just smiled and continued to look at the camera. "I won't question why you're really here Eunha but I'll assume you're here to see the new and immproved Han Jisung" Namjoon spoke not taking his eyes off the camera. 

Eunha turned around and looked at the camera. "C-Can he see us?" She asked. To be honest, Eunha was never scared over anyone. Not even Namjoon when he was mad would scare her but something about the way Jisung looked into the camera didn't settle. 

"No. But he can sense our presence." Namjoon answered. Eunha just nodded. The glare from Jisung was filled with so much darkness the two legends could feel it in the security room. "I'm impressed. He's done nothing so far but I already feel like he did something" Namjoon laughed. Eunha nervously chuckled. 

Suddenly the ground began to violently shake. Everything in the room started to fall or move in it's place. Eunha grabbed onto the table and Namjoon stood and watched Jisung still, Eunha saw a smirk grow on Namjoon's face. 

"There he is...." He said. 

"How could CB not use this legend to his advantage!" Namjoon laughed. Eunha rose an eyebrow. She looked back at Jisung and gasped. Jisung looked like he had tattoos all over his arms. They looked like thorns. Eunha's eyes widened not in shock but fear as she came to realization on who Jisung was.

"Namjoon....don't tell me he's...."

"Ha...." Namjoon sighed with content. "Looks like your son is finally his true legend form....."

Eunha knew what Namjoon was going to say next but she wished it wasn't true.

And just as she predicted, Namjoon finished off his sentence with a cocky grin on his face.

"....Han Guseong..."


More tea lmao.

Hopefully yall remember Han Guseong XD. If not you'll know next chapter uwu.

anyways hope ya enjoyed <3

Now that my school is closed thanks to corona. Imma be like bored for four weeks now lol anYgays byeeeee

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