* Author Note *

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Hi guys this is your author Soraia_Patty, Sora is just fine :)

I'm going to do my best to explain and I apologise if it comes out as a long and rambling apology... Typical of me  -_- 

First, I don't know if I ever wrote about why I stopped writing this book and the other. Second please do kindly understand, it's all I ask.

Well I had during PE class an injury which hurted my right shoulder pretty bad, I hurt a muscle and had to be on a sling for 2 months and half and had more then one year of rehab, so yeah, not as fun but I recover and my shoulder is 100% back.

During this time, my mother had been very sick and unfortunely the reason why she became sick was because of a disease (Not revealing much, sorry!) that doesn't have a cure, so her brain cells are dying slowly and yeah, I'm watching all.

I actually started writing this story and my other to release my stress, because writing has always been a stress reliever but she had a bad episode and yeah.

I have a younger sister and so I took my job as the older sister very seriously and I kinda took a more motherly role then I should have, basically I made sure my sister was good and didn't care about my mental health.

So after recovering and starting rehab, I didn't write so I could recover more easily but when I was recovered, I just not in a good place mentally, and I lost kinda that drive to write and I didn't want to delete any story, it made me feel bad just thinking of it.

Years passed and we are in 2020, well I came to a conclusion that while I am more stable and better, I do not feel like writing this and the other story, it's not because I lost my writing love, actually I have lots, lots of drafts, some maybe to publish others just to kept on draft but these 2.

I can't explain well but it's like I lost my imagination for them and when I was writing it was in 2016 and now it seems to long ago but I'm not deleting because I think it would be so wrong of me.

I know both stories have many mistakes and I apologize for that and they are so cheesy (That's kinda my style, a bit...) but people have read it and some seem to like, so I want to ake those who read it, and well THANK YOU SO MUCH!

I'm definetely going to pusblish more, different...well I do think of writing another Neymar Story a bit different but yeah, still in the making.

Anyways, I decide to just give myself some confidence and publish anything. In the end what I want to say is that I'm so sorry but I'm not continuing these 2 stories, I hope you understand that while they will be special, I just don't feel the drive anymore.

I'm going to actually post the draft that I had for the Neymar story and you can imagine the rest, there's going to be some mistakes, I'm going to fix them while I don't hide embarassed, I was young...yeah...

Anyways, thank you again and I hope you can understand. I'm going to post this in my other story, so I don't have to make things even more confusing.

To anyone who has lost a family member or a dear one is fighting or going throught a bad stage, while our situations aren't similiar, I just want you to know that I can understand a bit of your pain and that you know that it's hard, really hard watching a loved one like that but we can pull throught.

I still struggle everyday and as I write this, this is like my 6th time actually, I teared up, like I did in the other 5 times.

It's  battle everyday and sometimes you have bad thoughts and sometimes you have bad days and sometimes you just want to keep sleeping and dreaming of everything but the day you are going to face but we gotta face it.

Just know that if you want to talk, you can, I am a good listener and I seem to give good advices but more then that, I hope that I can help, because we need to help each other, sprinkle some kindness and try to make this world a better place for everyone, even if it's just a bit.

I make so many mistakes (dumb ones) is because english is not my first language and soemtimes I get a bit confused.

So I apologise...again  - _- 

And thank you! ^_^


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2020 ⏰

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