*Gijinka! Roselia*

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Your Roselia had always been a bit finicky, even when it was a Budew, but it's gotten worse since he became human. For instance, when it first happened...


You grumbled in annoyance as your eyes cracked open. The TV was on, and tuned to the news. You closed your eyes once more as you listened to it.

"...And it seems there's been a worldwide pandemic, affecting seemingly every Pokémon we've seen yet." You sat straight up.

"Pokémon have turned human overnight. Scientists are researching the phenomenon, and some are theorizing that it could have been an experiment from another uprising gang, like Team Galactic. Just be cautious, as there are, of course, hostile Pokémon." I bolted downstairs.

"Roselia! Roselia!"

"Yes?" You turned around slowly. A man clad in what you believed to be your father's suit, stood behind you.

"These are not to my standards. After breakfast, we shall head to the store to find something more suitable." He sat on the couch, and looked at you expectantly.

"Well? What are you waiting for?"

.: Present Day :.

You're still not sure why you didn't punch him in the mouth. Maybe it was because he was your first Pokémon, your first friend, and shared the closest bond that you had ever had with anything, or anyone. Though now, your feelings had gotten much stronger, and you couldn't help but to think of him in a romantic sort of way. But there was a problem. He was a royal pain in your-

"Y/n, will you pick up some of my herbal tea? I've run out."

"Okay, Roselia." You grumbled as you slipped on your shoes.

"And also-"

"What? What else do you want?"

"Could I go with you?" You sighed.

"Okay." As you exited the house with him, you saw him fidgeting with the cuffs of his sleeves. He was wearing his normal outfit- a yellow-green dress shirt with a green vest over top. One sleeve had a pink cuff link, and the other blue. His pants matched his vest, and he wore brown dress shoes. A dark green bowtie pulled it all together. His hair was, as always, slicked back. Anyone would be lying if they said he wasn't handsome.

"Let's look around the park before we go to the store." Without waiting for you to agree, he took your hand and led you towards it. As always, you went along with it. He sat with you on a bench. The cherry blossom's petals fell on the ground, and were swept away with the sweetly scented breeze. That was another good thing about Roselia. He never smelled bad. He seemingly always smelled like roses and honey.

"Y/n, are you okay?" You focused on him for a couple seconds, before letting your attention drift to a nearby creek.

"Yeah. Just fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." He leaned back a little, putting his arms behind his head.

"Are you mad at me?" You didn't answer. He remained silent. He sat up, and hugged you. "Please don't be mad at me." He whispered into my shoulder.

"It's been a while since I heard that word come out of your mouth." He removed his face from your shoulder, giving you a hurt look. "You're much less of a gentleman than you look." The hurt look deepened, as he rested his head back onto your shoulder.

"I'm sorry..." You sighed.

"It's okay." You did love him, after all. You wrapped your arms around him, and rested the side of your head on his. He played with the fabric of your hoodie.

"So you still love me?" You smiled, but he didn't see.

"Who ever said I loved you?" He gasped, believing you. That was another thing about him. He was always a bit naïve. You hugged him tighter. "I'm just kidding, you goof. Of course I love you." He sat up, and reached into his pocket.

"There's been something I've been wanting to ask you, though." You cocked a brow.

"What is it?" He took a deep breath, before taking a small box from his pocket. He ran a hand through his hair, slightly messing it up as a couple strands of hair hung in his face.

"Would consider, maybe..." He handed the box to you. "Well, would you be my girlfriend?" Your face broke into a grin.


"You will?!" You nodded. He picked you up and twirled you around. "Oh, Y/n!" He pecked your cheek as he stopped spinning you. "I'm so happy!" You giggled, and rested your head on his chest. You felt something cold touch the back of your neck. A silver rose hung around your neck. He kissed the top of your head. "You didn't open your present." He held you as he walked you back home.

"What about your tea?" He smiled.

"I have tea, I just used it as an excuse to come outside with me." You shook your head.

"How did you know I'd go to get it?" He snuggled into the crook of your neck as he entered the house and sat on the couch.

"Because you always do. And you do that because you love me." You crossed your arms.

"Sometimes I wonder why I do..." He wrapped his arms around you, and kissed your cheek. You rested your head on his shoulder, his scent making you drowsy.

"I love you, Y/n/"

"I love you too."

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