*Gijinka! Dragonite*

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Y/n and her Dragonite were always close, ever since her Grandfather gave him to her. They were practically inseparable. They traveled all throughout the Kanto and Johto regions, conquering every trainer in their path. Her home in Blackthorn City was large enough to let Dragonite, affectionately name Draco, inside. But as Y/n turned twenty she realized what she needed to do. It's not like you could become a gym leader without a degree. So many people think that you just have to be a good battler. Not. Even. Close. So, that's when Y/n began sending in applications to several colleges and universities. And eventually...

"I've been accepted! Kalos University accepted me!" You ran to your mother, the white, blue, and gold envelope in hand. She smiled.

"That's great, honey! But..." Your tilted your head.

"But?" She sighed.

"I'm worried about you going oversea. What if something happens? Kalos is so far away, and-"

"Mom, I'll be fine. I'm leaving in a week."

 . : Two Weeks Later : .

You've been in Kalos for a week now, and there's only been one slight problem. The apartment was much too small for Draco to come in. Why couldn't he go in his Pokéball? Because he hated it, that's why. Luckily, though, the apartment was actually sort of nice, and had a large dome on the roof for these instances. Draco was still spoiled, though, and didn't want to be that far away from you. It was sweet, but annoying. There was only one thing that Draco thought, though.


If only I were smaller...



.:The Following Night:.

It was raining, and you were sleeping peacefully. The same could not be said for Draco. He was curled up, and shivering. You visited him in between breaks in homework, but otherwise, he was completely separated from you. If only he were still a Dratini... If only he were still a Dragonair... If only... He watched a shooting star glide through the sky.

...If only I were human.


He stood up. Everything seemed smaller. And colder. Why was it so drafty in here? He stretched. Why did his arms feel longer? He looked at his hands, flexing his fingers. He looked behind himself. No tail. He ran to the door of the enclosure. He twisted the doorknob. It swung open.

This all felt so surreal to him. He had memorized your room's number. 212. He ran through the halls, thanking that no one was there, considering he was lacking... What were they called? Clothes? Right.

He found it soon, and pounded on the door. You only rolled over grumpily, before blindly walking towards the door. After pulling the door open, someone rushed past you. That immediately snapped you to your senses.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" You ran in on him slipping a shirt on.

"Sorry Y/n. It was cold, and I was naked, and I didn't want to wait." Your face contorted in confusion.

"I'm sorry, but... Who are you, exactly?" He smiled brightly.

"It's me! Draco! I wished that I was small enough to fit in the apartment! Now I can!" He jumped up and down, hugging you. He was certainly as enthusiastic as Draco. "Although, it'd be great if we could go and get some different clothes..." You shrugged. You didn't have any classes today, and you finished most of your homework last night.


"Yay!" The oversized band shirt did look a little strange, along with the ill-fitting jeans. Oh well, Lumiose City was famous for its fashion. After you were finished getting ready, he happily bounced out the door by your side. As you walked down the streets, he put an arm around your shoulder.

"Draco, what are you-"   He silenced you by blowing into your ear, something he even did as a Pokémon.

You tried to push him away while giggling. A few onlookers apparently thought it was funny. One started to record it. Fueled by the attention, he continued picking on you. He squeezed your sides, sending you into a fit of laughter. "Draco! Stop!" He smirked.

"What are you talking about, Y/n? I'm not doing anything." He removed his hands, and hugged you, smiling. "See? I'm innocent." He leaned down a little more, and your cheeks started to heat up as he nuzzled the side of your face. That's when you started to get embarrassed.

"Oh my Arceus, Draco. We're in public!"

"So? I've done this in public before."

"You were a Pokémon then!" You overheard passersby talk about you two.

"How cute!"

"Why can't we be like that?"

"Because we're ugly."

"That guy kind of reminds me of a Dragonite..." You wormed your way out of his grip, and looked away.

"Let's just get some better fitting clothes..."

"Okay." He held your hand, and you refused to look at him. You led him into a small shop, and he looked around, for a bit, while you stared out the window. He soon came back to you, showing you his outfit. A pale yellow shirt with an orange sleeveless parka, along with much better fitting jeans and a pair of converse. You paid for the clothes and we left the store, the old clothes in the bag. As you walked back to the apartment, something caught his eye.

"Whoa..." He ran over to a small bake stand. "Y/n! Y/n! Can I have one?" You sighed, and pulled out your wallet once more.

. : Two Months Later : .

Draco was still getting used to being human, but there was one thing he hadn't exactly figured out yet, and he was afraid to ask you. He had started having strange feelings toward you, and he had no idea how to handle them. He tried to avoid you, and read romance novels in order to see what he should do.

"Ugh, no, this is too cheesy..." You sat next to him on the couch.

"What are you reading?" He slammed it shut, and hid it.


"Okay then." You pulled at your sleeves, uncomfortable with the current silence. "Is there any particular reason why you've been ignoring me lately?" His breath hitched, and he looked uncomfortable.

"I've been having a problem, and I don't know how to deal with it."

"What is it?" He mumbled something incoherently. "What was that?" You leaned a little closer to him.

"I think I .... You."


"Olive juice." You made a face at him.

"What does that mean?" He sighed, and leaned closer.

"I love you." He whispered, then kissed your cheek. You stayed quiet for a minute, and he grew worried. He was about to stand up, but you wrapped your arms around him.

"I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2021 ⏰

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