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He promised. He promised he wouldn't leave but now he is. We made the promise in the first grade when we first met but he seems to have forgotten and I don't think I can make it without him.
Luke decided that he wanted to be in a band when we were in middle school. He had the most stupid idea to call it Bromance. That idiot, I'm glad Michael helped him out with that one.
The band finally formed in freshman year when Michael decided that even though he hated Luke (they dated the same girl.), that they could get along well enough and Calum instantly assumed he was in the band.
All they needed was a drummer and when they got their first pub gig, Ashton came in. Prior to meeting the boys, Ashton hated them. They never thought they would get this big but I knew they would. They were great from the beginning.
Now Luke, the boy I grew up with, the boy who stood up for me, the one that meant everything to me was leaving.
I am Fleur Elliot and this is the story of how I was pieced back together.
I pulled into his driveway and put the car in park. I could already feel the lump in my throat but I just got out of the car and walked up the steps to his front door. I knew it was his dream to tour, even if it was with One Direction. I knocked twice and rung the doorbell.
The door pulled open and Liz's already fluorescent smile grew even brighter.
"Good morning Fleur. Come in." She said, slightly puzzled because normally I would have normally just walked in.
"Who is it Mum?" I hear Luke call from upstairs.
I sigh as I hear his voice in person for one of the last times in what I assume will be months.
"It's Fleur. I'm coming up. Get decent." I say jokingly with a small smile on my face and I trudge up the stairs. "Hey Luke." I say as I push open his bedroom door and see three suitcases on his floor and the bathroom faucet on. Luke comes out drying his hands
"Hey." He says and I can't help let out a soft laugh to stifle the hysteric crying I want to let out. "What are you laughing at?" He says and almost pouts, trying to poke fun but his smile drops when he sees that I'm not smiling. "No, what's wrong?"
I look at him baffled. "What's wrong? My best friend since first grade is leaving. I'm not going to see you for, what, 8 months? 9 months? And you ask me what's wrong while you go to live your dream while I live where dreams go to die." I spit almost harshly.
"Hey," Luke trails as he grabs my wrist. "We can Skype and FaceTime and talk over the phone and I'm sure I'll be texting you on these long airplane and bus rides. Don't worry, alright? I'll be back before you know it." He pulls me forward by the grip he has on my wrist. He wraps his arms around my shoulders and I bring my arms up to curl behind his back. "Promise you won't forget me." I almost whimper, my voice thick with hidden emotion.
"'Course I won't forget you." He whispers, his mouth close to my ear.
"You promise though?" I ask, felling like a child in his embrace.
"Yes, Fleur. I promise." He said. As we pull away, his floppy fringe brushes my forehead and I laugh, rubbing my forehead where it starts to itch. He shakes his head at me and nods his head towards his bags. "Help me get these downstairs?"
I nod and pick up a rolling suitcase by his Nike duffle and start to head down the stairs with Luke in tow.
"Liz?" I call.
"Yes, sweetheart? I'm in the kitchen." She calls back to me and I follow her voice to the kitchen.
"I've got my stuff. Should we get ready to meet the boys at the airport?" Luke asks from behind me.
"Let's get in the car." Liz says, shooting me a sad look in front of an oblivious Luke.
After sitting through some brief traffic, and going through security, it comes down to a 45 minute wait until boarding begins.
"Too long." Ashton whines.
"Time couldn't be shorter." I think in retaliation and almost sending him a glare as Luke nods in agreement from beside me. I feel Luke's hand in mine, a normal gesture for us and I look up at him. His blonde fringe sticking out from under a navy beanie. My eyes travel to his shoulders, swathed in a grey jacket which is zipped over a black singlet.
"I have one of his singlets at home." I think and look at his long legs, wrapped in skinny jeans.
I look back up at his face and his cheeks are dusted with pink. I realize how long I was staring.
"Sorry. I was just taking in your appearance. It won't look the same over the pixelated Skype screen." I rush in one breath to explain myself.
He chuckles a brief "'s okay." And looks at the clock on the wall again. '7:45' blinks in red and I feel like the wind has been knocked out if me. "Fifteen minutes." I choke out and Luke looks over at me. It seems by his agape mouth that it's hit him too.
He quickly leans down and kisses my forehead. "It's okay. We'll be okay." He says, assuring himself more so than he is assuring me.
I nod numbly and lean my head on his shoulder as I glance at the other boys. I feel pricking of tears behind my eyes as I look at my friends. I was so caught up in how much I'll miss Luke, I forgot how much I'll miss his best friends too. I sit up and let go of Luke's hand, launching myself at the boy closest to me. I land next to Michael and fling my arms around him. "I'm gonna miss you Mikey." I say and rest my head lightly on his shoulder. I feel him nod and his mom sigh softly.
I get up with slightly more composure and Calum stands up as I walk to him. I hug him as well and do he same with Ashton before returning to Luke.
"Flight to London, first class boarding." I hear the announcement from the terminal the boys are leaving through.
I look up at Luke as he stands up, almost panicked. He hasn't looked at me yet as Liz stands and he pulls her into a hug.
I push my hand through my hair and wrap my arm around my stomach, beginning to ache. "Luke." I whisper as he and Liz pull away.
"Babe. Fleur." He coos and my body buzzes as he calls me that.
"No no no." I almost pinch myself to make sure this isn't a dream. "You're leaving."
"But I'm coming back. Remember what I promised?" He says and wraps his arms around my back as I tentatively step forward, my hand over his chest.
I nod in answer to his question and say "I'll come to visit you. I won't be able to stay away the whole time." I say and he laughs gently, I feel it rumble in his chest.
"I'll be glad to see you." He says and rests his cheek on my hair.
"C'mon lover boy. We're boarding." I hear Calum call. I step back and I finally let my tears go.
"Have fun." I say as I step back and we begin to walk to the gate.
"Don't worry. I'll call you when I land." He says and rubs my shoulder. I nod and grab his forearm before he steps away. I pull his head down slightly and press my lips to his cheek. I pull away with my cheeks flushed.
"I'll be waiting for your call." I say and we hug quickly one last time.
He walks away and everything from there is in kill time. Slow motion as he walks away from me. As he waves as he disappears down the terminal. As Iet out a sob and Liz squeezes me around the shoulders.

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