Chapter 5

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In my sleep I found a delicious smell, I saw golden color perfect pancakes placed safely on the table with butter and blueberries on top and a chocolate sauce next to it letting me pour as much as I want. But it was only a mere dream.


I force opened my sleepy eyes. It was morning and a ray of sunlight was crawling inside my floor alarming that it's no longer time to sleep. I stretched my arms hitting clumsily at the headboard. I grin remembering the sweet dream of pancake and my stomach gave out a dying whale sound. It reminded me that it's time for breakfast.

I pushed away my blanket from my feet and crawled under my bed sheets. If getting out from the comfortable touch of the bed sheets isn't the hardest thing, then what is?

I wiped away my sleepiness of my eyes as I walk outside my room. I lazily dragged my legs through the rough wooden floor and walked into the living room. Jimin was watching the television sitting on the edge of the sofa.

As I how I imagined it in my dreams, there was pancake on the table, placed nicely and neatly. Pancakes were still warm. There wasn't any chocolate sauce, but who needs chocolate anyways.

"did you make these by yourself Jimin?" I ask admiring the pancakes. "nope, jungkook did"

His answer made me hold my horses back from digging in. "oh, well they seem delicious"


"what?" I ask staring at Jimin.

"what, what?" jimin ask back eyes still glued on the cartoon program he is watching intensely. "I dropped the fork making jimin turn his head and look at me.

Don't play dumb with me Jimin, I perfectly know what you meant when you ask that.

There was a moment of silence between us. The only background noise was weird muffling sound from the TV and the hot shower pouring down in the washroom.

"um, I think I'll come back later to eat these" I said breaking the awkward silence between us and he nods like nothing happened.

My face was burning for an unknown reason.

I noticed that there was no sound coming from the shower when I reach towards my room. I waited. I didn't really know why, but I did. I waited until the white bathroom door swing open.

Run (y/n), run.

Before Jungkook comes out of the shower I managed to quickly slide into my room and close the door. My heart racing face I cupped my face. What was I thinking?

To see a totally hot naked Jungkook walking out the shower?

I shook my thoughts away when I heard a knocking on my door. Oh god what now. Did he see me staring at the door?

"who is it?" I ask bluntly.

"it's me, Jungkook" of course it is. "what do you want?" I ask leaning back at the door strongly, so he won't try to open the door by force. He goes quiet for a while.

"I want to ask what you're doing inside my room"

My room? His room? I look around me.


I've slid into the wrong room. Why do jimin has parallel rooms for us?

A half naked jungkook is waiting outside his room door. I've technically invaded his territory. I don't have much chances of going outside without having to meet Jungkook.

My options are so limited, that I don't even have a considerable option at this point.

"If you don't want to come out" I sighs in relief for one second thinking that he might have taken new cloths with him when he entered the shower.

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