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Huey's POV:
I woke up in a strange place it felt like I was moving...I sit up and looked around and saw Riley still sleeping...
"It's about time you woke up."I heard a voice say...I look up and see a police officer it didn't take me too long to realize that that we were sitting in the back of car.
"What happened?"I asked him.
"Your Grandad called us last night to go out and find you two...Me and my partner Officer Duncan went out into the woods and found the both of ya knocked out cold! So we brought into our car and decided to take ya home."Said the Police officer. He sounded like Mater from the cars movie.
"Thank you..Officer..?"I asked.
"Officer Larry."He said.
"Thank you officer Larry."I said.
"No problem kid!"He said.
I grabbed Riley and pulled him toward me and laid him across my lap..
I saw two dots on the side of his neck..
"What the hell?"I whispered to myself.
"We're Here!"Said Officer Larry.
"Oh..thank you."I said to him. I picked up Riley and carried him out of the car and walked to the front door... The police officer knocked on the door..and it opened.
"Hello?"Grandad said.
"Hi grandad."I said.
"Boys! There you are!"He yelled.
He ran the but froze when he saw Riley in my hands.
"What's wrong with your brother?"Grandad asked.
"He's just sleeping grandad."I said.
"Oh...Alright take him upstairs to y'all room I'll be down here talkin to the police officers."Grandad said.
"Ok."I said.
I walked into the house and went upstairs to our room Once I got there I opened the door and walked into the room and pulled back the covers on his bed and placed Riley on the bed and pulled the covers on him....I looked at my little brother....'His so peaceful when he's sleeping...but why is it when he's awake he's a walking tornado of chaos?'I asked myself in my mind.
I walked to my side of the room and grabbed a book from off the bookshelf and laid down on my bed and started reading.
That night.
Me and grandad were downstairs eating when suddenly we hear someone's footsteps and yawning coming downstairs stairs. We turn our to see Riley had finally woken up from his nap.
"Well well...bout time you woke up!"Grandad said
"Huh? What do you mean?"Riley asked.
"You've been sleeping all day since yesterday Riley..."I said.
"Oh...Sorry..I just felt tired for some reason..."He said. Riley yawned...and then walked to the table.
"So...what's for dinner?"Riley asked.
"Stake with mashed potatoes and corn but your brother is only eating the sides."Grandad said.
"Ok."Riley said.
Riley sat down and we all started eating. I looked up from my plate and the stake that grandad and Riley was eating....and Honestly it actually looked....delicious...My mouth was watering....I just wanted to...'NO NO NO! I am vegetarian! This is sin! Stop looking at it god damn it!'I thought to myself.
I quickly looked away from their plates and tired to focus on my plate but I couldn't stop thinking about how good their stakes looked...Now I'm starting to wish I wasn't a vegetarian.
Eventually after dinner was over it was time for me and Riley to get ready for bed.

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