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Riley's POV:
I woke up I still felt a little tired...but I have school today so I can't sleep the whole day away like I did yesterday.
Get out of bed and walked over to Huey's side of the room and move the curtains and open the window to see the sun ..I don't know why but looking at it and standing under the light burns!
"Riley what's wro-OH MY GOD!!!!!"Huey yelled. He ran to the window and closed it and closed the curtains....and then he walked to check on me... Had burns on my chest and face and my arms....He grabs my arms and see the burns.
"Oh my god....these look like third degree burns! it's not supposed to be that hot today!"Huey said.
He was about to leave but I see the burns disappearing..
"Huey look!"I yelled.
He froze and watched the burns disappear with me.
"Whoa....that's weird..The burns on your face and chest are disappearing too!"Huey said.
I felt so weird....why was this happening to me?
"What am I gonna do?! I can't walk out in the sun I'll burn to death!"I yelled.
"'ll just have to put on sunglasses and sunscreen..just until I can figure out what's wrong."Huey said.
"Ok."I said.
We both head downstairs for breakfast...afterwards we went back upstairs, got dressed and left the house to go to school.
At school.
I was just walking to the cafeteria when suddenly I run into Butch and his Crew I slowly walked by them and then suddenly I trip over something...
"Watch where your walking loser!"Butch yelled.
Him and his crew started laughing....I'm so sick and tired of him picking on me...but I can't fight him...He's stronger than me.....but then I thought....what if I go after them one by one? After they left I went to the cafeteria,got my food and sat down...I open my milk carton and look at the milk and...something didn't sit right with me...the milk looked horrible...I tried drinking some and...
"Ew! Is this expired!?"I asked myself.
I threw the milk away and the rest of my food...but I was thirsty...I decided to walk out and get some water from the water fountain...when I walked into the hallway I heard something.... I walked down the hallway see one of Butch's friends and his arm was bleeding
"Aw shit!"He said.
I don't know why but I started following him to the bathroom.....Once we got there I stopped walking....and I saw the blood dripping down his arm...I started licking my lips...why did the blood look so good? I don't know what came over me but when he turned around....I attack him.
Huey's POV:
It was the end of the day and I didn't see Riley anywhere so I went back into the school to go find him...I asked multiple people where Riley was and they didn't know....I was thinking of just giving up when I hear something...
I walked down the hallway and and stopped at the boys bathroom...I walked in and the noise just kept getting louder and louder....until I opened the big stall and saw Riley..
"Riley there you are! Come on we have to go home."I said.
It was silent..
"Um...Riley?"I asked.
He slowly got up and turned around...he was covered in blood..
"Riley?! What happened to you?!"I asked.
But then I looked behind him and saw a body....I backed away from him...
"Riley..? Di-did you do this?!"I asked him.
He looked up at me and his eyes were glowing red...and then...he starts attacking me!
"Riley what are you doing?!"I asked.
He was hella fast but I managed to get out of the way..out of nowhere He runs towards and jumps up into the air and turns into a bat?!
"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?!?!?"I yelled. He flew down towards me but I duck and then he started swirling around me but I accidentally slapped him out of the air and he turned back into a Human but he hissed at me.
"Sorry..."I said.
He runs towards me and pins me down to the this point I'm scared...his never been to do this before and he's never acted like this before....
"Please...Riley...I don't know what's going on...but I know you're in there some where...just please...snap out of it!"I yelled.
I closed my eyes and accepted my fate..but then..
"Huey?"He asked.
I looked up at him.
"Yes! It's me...Huey your brother!"I said.
He gets off of me and looks around the place and sees the body and starts freaking out.
"I don't know....but I do understand what's wrong now..."I said.
"You do?"Riley asked.
"Yeah...but I'll have to explain when we get home..."I said.
"Ok..."He said.
We both walk out the bathroom and once we were out of the school we started making our way home...

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