🌷 Chapter 2: Illness 🌷

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Currently, Taka is at school during  9th period 

I sat at my seat, taking notes from the teacher. The subject was English, and we were learning about grammar and punctuation of the English language. When I felt something hit my head. I bent over to see what is was, it was a folded piece of paper. I unfolded the paper to see the words, "Please come to the nurses office after school, we need to talk. -Orihihc"  I was so confused. "Who is Orihihc? What was it about?" I ignored those questions and hid the note in my bag in order to focus on the lesson.

Time skip to end of 9th period

"Okay Class! Have a nice weekend, see you all on Monday." The teacher exclaimed as we got up and left the class. I picked up my bag and headed to the nurses office like the note said. I entered the small, quaint room. There was a line of cots probably used for resting, medical supplies in a cabinet, and a stack of paperwork on the nurse's desk. "Ahh!" A meek voice exclaimed, and then a  loud crash. I turned around to see Mikan Tsumiki, the school nurse. "Are you alright?!" I said bending over to help her get up. "S-sorry! I tripped!" She said nervously as I helped pick up some papers she dropped. "Y-you're Kiyotaka I-ishimaru right?" She asked. "Yes, are you the one who sent me that note?" I awnsered, but Mikan just stared. "No... but your friend Chihiro told me about you-" a Mikan said but then got cut off by the heavy breathing of Chihiro Fujisaki. 

"Sorry I'm late!" He exclaimed, catching his breath. "Chihiro, did you send me that note?" I asked him. "Yes, I gave it to you during 9th period. I'm glad you came." He answered straightening his back. "I told Mikan about how I'm worried for you." He replied with a worried look on his face, "Mondo told me you tried to avoid him, and Leon said that you haven't been sleeping regularly." I felt the pain in my chest again, "Excuse me, I must head to the bathroom-" I was cut off by Chihiro saying, "Please Taka! Tell me what's wrong! I can't take it anymore, I want you to be okay!" He exclaimed as he grabbed my arm tightly. At that point, my eyes started to tear up. 

"Fine." I said, trying to hold back tears, "Come with me if you wanna see what's wrong..." I said walking quickly to the bathroom. Chihiro followed me, Mikan of course, had to stay behind. I bent over the toilet of the bathroom stall, I felt Chihiro's gaze on me. And then I threw up blood. "T-taka!?" Chihiro exclaimed with fear in his voice. Along with the the blood, I coughed up flower petals. Purple flower petals. I began to cry, and Chihiro put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me. "Should I tell Mikan about this?" He asked with the sense of worry in his voice. "I... don't know..." I answered, trying to not gag on the flowers in my throat. 

We left the bathroom and told Mikan that I was just tired. "Oh dear! Try and get more rest Taka!" She replied with concern. However, Chihiro and I knew that it wasn't that. When we left the school Chihiro said he would research my illness and try and find a cure. I told him that he didn't need to, but he insisted on trying to help me. And then we headed to our houses.

Sat down on my bed, wearing my nighttime clothes. I was thinking about what my illness was and how to cure it. I think I heard of a disease involving flowers a long time ago, what was it? Hanamaku Disease? No, that's not it. But anyways, I thought about Mondo. I thought of him giving me a nice, warm hug. His and my lips touching in a kiss. I felt my heart warm up and feel all nice and fuzzy. That came to an end as soon as the pain came back. I began to gag on flower petals in my throat, and coughed up some bits of blood on the wooden floor.  I began to panic. I tried to get up and clean it, but the sharp pain held me back. 

I wanted Mondo. I wanted him to come and help me. I thought of his warm arms around me and would let me cry everything out. But he wasn't here, only my imagination. After gaging on flower petals and blood, I cleaned up the bloodstained floor. I laid back down on the bed, pulling the covers up to my face. I really hoped Chihiro would find out about the disease and try and find a cure for it. But I guess I'll have to wait for 2 more days until then. I just wanted to find a cure...

🌷 Word Count: 856

I hope you enjoyed! 🌷

I hope you enjoyed! 🌷

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