Chapter 1

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A/N: Ok so I know this is probably horrible and will blind everyone for life, but I couldn't help myself. I can only hope that it'll get better, this is my first time writing on here so if any of you have some tips or anything let me know. This as you probably already know is a Pewdiecry fanfic, if you no like then don't read. I do not own Pewdiepie or Cry in any way (that'd be strange) and I edited the picture in my cover. Well enjoy to the most you can I guess. ;3


(Felix's P.O.V)

I had been recording another horror game for hours now and after many jump scares, I decided to quit before I gave myself a heart attack.

"Well that's enough for today bros. Leave a like if you enjoyed and subscribe to become a bro today. Love you bros, here comes the brofist"

I finished and brofisted the camera, ending the video.

I sighed running a hand through my messy hair, games like these would be the death of me.

But I enjoyed being able to make people smile and laugh, putting myself through hours of frightening gameplay was worth it.

I smiled slightly before deciding to see if Marzia had come home yet.

I got to my feet and almost fell on my face due to an Edgar land mine.

"Goddamn it Edgar! Your going to kill me!" I yell, he looks up at me and turns his head slightly.

"That's not going to work this time." I say putting on my best poker face, he just sits there staring at me with a look of sadness causing my face to gradually soften.

"Fine, your forgiven" I huff out and pat his head before making my way to the kitchen.

I hadn't realized just how long I had been playing, I had started with the sun still high in the sky, but now it was almost gone causing warm colors of red, orange and pink to bleed across the sky.

Flipping the light switch in the kitchen I realized Marzia hadn't come home yet, though I shrugged it off, a seed of worry planted itself in my mind.

She's never this late...perhaps she got stuck in traffic.

I frown slightly as my stomach makes a rather embarrassingly loud grumble, I suppose I'd better eat something.

Gathering the correct supplies to make a ham sandwich I set to work, it doesn't take much time and soon I'm leaning against the counter chewing slowly.

It's so very quiet and lonely in the apartment without Marzia here, she fills this place with so much life.

I look at a picture frame holding the two if us, her beautiful chocolate eyes full of love and happiness.

A smile plays on my lips as I remember that day, we had went for a day at the beach.

Marzia had been so nervous of all the people, but I had held her hand tightly and dragged her along.

I place it gently back down on the counter before trudging back to my computer, maybe someone's on Skype.

I sit in my chair heavily before swinging around to face the screen, Edgar tries to come into my lap to eat my sandwich.

"Edgar deutchland!"(I think that's the word, don't kill me if it's wrong) He manages to pull a huge chunk out of it before I push him away.

"I see how it is, you only love me for the food!" I say jokingly.

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