Chapter 1

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~No one's point of view~

Shoto Todoroki was on the floor. His hands his only support against the ground, his older brother's menacing words were blurring together creating a jumble of noise which only made Todoroki's head spin more.

By now his brother was kicking him in the side, knocking the breath out of him. Todoroki tried to gag in at least some air while his brother continued to puncture his side. His brother's blurred words were increasing in noise, but at the same time fading to a whisper.

Todoroki coughed up more blood onto the floor covering his hands in the crimson substance. Todoroki tried to stay conscious knowing in the morning, his brother would be pissed, but the pain took all the energy out of him.

He coughed up more blood and watched the blurry redness drip down his arm. He closed his heavy eyelids, and quickly tried to pry them back open, barely successful, but seconds later his arms collapsed and Todoroki passed out.

~Later at the dorm with Bakugou~

Bakugou sat on the couch scrolling through the media while everyone else around him chattered like squawking seagulls. People couldn't be anymore annoying. Bakugou groaned throwing his phone to the floor.

"What's up Bakubro" asked Kirishima from behind.

"None of your fucking business shitty hair!" Bakugou yelled standing up and stomping over to the front door and throwing it open.

He quickly slammed it behind him. He had the urge to run as fast as he could, to get away from everyone, so he ran out into the night as fast as he could.

By the time he had made it into a clearing in the woods he was panting, and decided to sit down against a tree and clear his head. It wasn't long before he heard something soft in the distance. It slowly got louder and he could make out words. Someone was singing.

As he listened he recognized the song. (The song at the top). It was Choke, a song he sometimes listened to if he was overly upset. By now the voice was very clear, and Bakugou finally thought about retreating back to the dorms, but for some reason he couldn't move. The voice was somehow luring.

Intently listening to the voice, Bakugou closed his eyes and hummed along. As he sat there the voice seemed to still increase in volume, until he heard a chuckle and the singing stopped. Bakugou opened his eyes and starred forward. He could see the outline of a person standing there.

Bakugou lit the clearing with his quirk and could make out a guy around his age with half of his hair red and the other half white. He had a huge scar surrounding one eye and he could barely make out two different colored eyes. The guy also wore a pitch black turtleneck sweater with jeans.

"And who may you be" the person asked.

"Fuck off!" Bakugou replied crossing his arms.

"Quite hostile I see" he chuckled.

Bakugou put up his middle finger and stood up getting ready to head back to the dorms. As soon as he turned to go, the person in the clearing rushed up to him and held a knife to his throat.

"Nuh, uh, uh" the boy whispered into his ear sending a shiver down Bakugou's spine.

Bakugou froze, looking the boy in his eyes.

"I could use someone with sanity to cope for once" he mused, pulling Bakugou into his arms and retreating the knife back into his belt.

Bakugou tried pulling away, but he had unbelievable strength.

"Oh, swallow this" the guy said popping some kind of pill into Bakugou's mouth and holding it shut with his hand.

Bakugou was forced to swallow the pill which seemed to drain most of his energy instantly. Then Bakugou finally thought about using his quirk. He adjusted his arm to aim at his face, but as he tried to explode his face, nothing happened.

"The fuck" Bakugou swore.

"It was the pill. It will deactivate your quirk until exactly noon tomorrow, so I don't have to worry about you" the guy chuckled finally sitting down with his back against a tree, forcing Bakugou on his lap.

"At least tell me your name" Bakugou grumbled, tiredly leaning his head into the crevice of his neck.

"I'm Shoto Todoroki, and you?" he asked.

"Katsu-Katsuki Bakugou" he tiredly responded, yawning in the middle of the sentence.

Todoroki chuckled, lightly brushing his hair with his hands.

"You can sleep my darling" Todoroki cooed.

Bakugou snuggled up into Todoroki's warmth and closed his eyes, slowly falling into the darkness of sleep.

Todoroki sighed breathing in Bakugou's sent. He smelled of fresh strawberries.

"Your different, my strawberry" Todoroki laughed quietly to himself.

He nuzzled his head into Bakugou's hair and wrapped his arms around him pulling Bakugou into a hug.

"Good night, my strawberry" Todoroki yawned before falling asleep.

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