✪Raihan Headcanons✪

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Raihan x Reader headcanons.

nothing specific lol.

✪It doesn't really take him long to figure out that he likes you.

✪He's not one to make a big deal about it. He's honestly pretty chill.

✪He'll probably post something online along the lines of "lol how do you ask out a girl?"

✪His fans tell him to just do it, so he calls you and asks you if you wanna meet up.

✪He'll probably challenge you to a battle before he actually says anything.

✪After your done obliterating his team, he'll just casually ask you out.

✪"So yeah I like you, wanna be my girlfriend?"

✪Expect a lot of pet names, specifically 'babe'.

✪Also selfies. If your comfortable with it he'll take them and post them constantly.

✪His fans think you two are really cute. His comment section is normally full of "awww" and "otp <3" comments.

✪He's not shy about touching you in public. He'll throw his arm around your shoulders and rest his head on top of yours.

✪If you're short, he'll just casually pick you up from time to time. Like, you could just be talking to some fans and then your feet suddenly aren't on the ground anymore. He doesn't even say anything he just...does it.

✪Wear his jacket. Please. He absolutely loves it when you do that. He thinks it's adorable.

✪Dates for the most part will just be training in the wild area. He seems to favor axew's eye, (for obvious reasons) so he'll probably take you there a lot.

✪His dragons love you. Especially Flygon. It hovers around you constantly, and when you pet it it lets out this weird growl like purr. It's honestly really cute.

✪He's almost always the big spoon when cuddling. Mainly due to his height, but also because he just likes holding you close. It makes him feel calm.

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